General Discussion

General DiscussionPlaying non-ganking support in 5k (help)

Playing non-ganking support in 5k (help) in General Discussion

    Ok so let me make a scenario for you and you tell me what I should do in this situation,

    I pick a support, I successfully zone out enemy offlaner to the point where he is playing passively / playing back / or leaves lane all together, I am successfully pulling every creep wave that I need to, to deny EXP and I keep jungle warded so my carry is safe.

    NOW.. This is the point where I have absolutely no idea what to do.

    If I'm playing a support without much ganking potential, I feel lost.

    If I stay top, I waste time because we already won the lane and I'll soak EXP from my carry, letting enemy offlaner get more lvls and he'll rape my carry If i leave at that point,

    If i go mid, if i'm not playing a gnaking support, I do nothing, except when BH/Earth spirit is in enemy team and I stay there just to protect my carry a bit , if i go offlane I take his EXP and he loses his advantage....

    So I am good at winning my lane but once I win it, I don't know what to do in the sense of.. How can I make the best use of my time?

    Stay around safe lane with a TP?

    How do I guarantee my lvls early on

    HELP ME :D

    I mainly play carry in 90%+ of my games so I could use some advice on support.

    Please don't answer if you are like in normal skill :l


      Dedicated team bitch here,

      First, all heroes can assist in ganks, really not sure what differentiates a non ganking support from a regular support.
      You have a few options depending on the situation.
      If you have a carry that can clear stacks like sven, alch, sf etc. then prioritize stacking. Place a defensive ward for your jungle to make sure that you aren't ganked while stacking, and that your carry isn't ganked while clearing.
      Also if you can clear a camp (not a stack, that should be left to carries) with your remaining mana and youre going back to base anyway, do so. You should sneak in solo farm and xp whenever you can (like double nuking the camp with lina, if the carry is elsewhere farming and you don't anticipate needing to rotate within the next 30 seconds)

      Another option would be to ward the enemy jungle, or help push other lanes to further make space for your carry. Focus the attention away from the farming carry (without dieing). Dewarding the map is also important.

      Smoke ganking is another option. bring dust if needed. Bring wards to give yourself the advantage, if the smoke gank is successful, to immediately push the tower with vision while one of their team is dead.

      Main goal is to accrue resources on the map for your team. Smoke, stack, push towers, ward. most importantly carry a TP at all times, 2 if you have the gold, the second one saves you time. (Tp to tower in response to a gank from the other team. run run, fight survive win etc. If you used your only tp, youll have to run all the way back to either base or side shop to pick up another tp. This will/may miss you timing on stacks, rotating for a push etc etc. Just an efficiency bit.

      Be a part of kills, hang around the stacks/waves while theyre being cleared for xp.

      Also maybe put a sentry down around your carry once you do leave him to go this stuff if they have clinkz riki bh etc.
      Remember to walk to lanes from base and keep tp off cd for when you need it

      Hope this isn't too bad of a perspective, hope it helps.

      King of Low Prio

        Yea pretty sure every support can gank and even if the lane is 'won' you should gank anyway because it puts them further behind and leaves you more room for mistakes(which are bound to happen)