General Discussion

General DiscussionHow To Make Bloodseeker Good Again

How To Make Bloodseeker Good Again in General Discussion

    His skill should be tweaked a little., 1st skill and 3rd should be combine into one passive skills (that means no more giving ally heal) sort of like the recent RIKI change (backstab + invi).. Add one new skill for him (Actives/passives idk) and that way he might be tier 2/1 carry again..

    i really like him a lot earlier but now he's kinda outperformed by the usual slark-am-sven carries

    P/s : hate jungle BS

    Best Treant EU

      he is good already, u just dont know how to play him. he is no hard carry, he is semi carry, he always was. he got a lot of buffs in recent patches

      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

        He is decent. And always has been.
        He doesn't need buffs. If you want to go nuts with him, just get a quick blademail, aghs and call it a day.


          I don't want those extremely mobile hero to be good i.e. bs and storm spirit. They are just so annoying, when u play a support and u see storm zapping in and pulling u into his fat body, you know u fucked up, when u see a blood seeker runing at u with more than max ms, guess what? You are gonna die again, and your team starts to flame you for feeding.


            TP out when you see a bloodseeker running at you.


              Nice suggestion op, i agree with you.

              People are definitely forgetting old Bloodseeker. His old Bloodrage gave him 3x the damage bonus of the current Bloodrage, and he didn't need to put himself in harms way by taking extra damage since the heal was tied to his passive. Heck, he didn't even need to be the one to kill the target to get the full heal. Not only was he an early game menace, he scaled incredibly well lategame, since he had a spell that was basically granted him a permanent DD but better, and the only real downside is that he took a measly 20 damage per second during the duration. Back then, he was an absolute menace whose only counter was basically admitting defeat and getting the fuck out of there. Now, you can actually fight back, and if you have any lockdown whatsoever, he's dead.

              mom said it's my turn to ...

                ^the whole point of bs getting reworked was because he was OP. why bother making him get cancer status again?

                Professor Dog

                  People like you made 6.83 sniper.

                  D the Superior
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                      @Domo arigato
                      Bs is by no means overpowered at all, he is easily countered by tps and playing conservatively. He got changed in order to become different/stronger and in the future will be buffed again for this exact reason. Why do you think pro players don't use him at all? If we get back his lost silence as part of a skill maybe he gets a chance to shine.

                      mom said it's my turn to ...

                        Back then, he was an absolute menace whose only counter was basically admitting defeat and getting the fuck out of there.

                        Even you realize he was OP back then. He was OP early, mid and late game.

                        "Oh, you're playing conservatively and using TPs to counter my tower diving habits? What about I afk farm for a bit in the jungle(which I can do perfectly fine with my built in lifesteal) and rape you later in the game since I can scale well late game"

                        "You have disables? Let me insta-silence you with my 100% reliable silence. Oh, there's more than 1 of you with disables? Let me get bkb and facerape you with my built in DD."

                        "You're trying to run away from a hungry blood seeker? That's cute."


                          Imagine if BS had a mini-stun skill like Shuriken Toss from BH.. that would be nice.. Not too OP but definitely an upgrade


                            You didn't answer to the "Why do you think pro players don't use him at all?" little shit. It doesn't matter what happens in low ranked pubs, changes are made to fit the competitive scene. Also, have you ever seen any person with 7k+ mmr maining this hero? He is not op at all compared to spectre, ta, tinker etc. And i thought you were smart enough to understand that i exaggerated for the sake of fun.

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                            mom said it's my turn to ...

                              It's just a matter of the pro scene just afraid of trying him out at all. I remember the time when alch had the best series of buffs past few patches, and it took a +2 dps notice-me-buff to acid spray to finally get pros to use him. Same with tinker: the moment he got his bouncy lasers aghs rework I thought he was decent enough to be felt in teamfights without falling off too fast. he essentially was the same from last patch except the teeny tiny buff to rearm, and that's what got him noticed. I'd say pros are sometimes a bit slow to gauge a hero's pick worthiness. In a coordinated draft, he can actually work and keep the enemy team on their toes early game, mid game, and if properly executed prior, late game.

                              Exaggerated? I thought you were smart enough to recognize that the statements you used are actually facts and not mere exaggerations.


                                6.81 bs was my favourite pick and as a former 3k i can tell you for real that i had absolutely destroyed (was 4.2k back then) many 5ks mid. After they changed the hero i fell back because i knew nothing else and in addition to that i took a long break from dota... The thing is that this hero without the instant silence and without his bloodbath being passive is unbelievably trash. They need to rework it back the way it was because now he is so much worse and i am telling you they were aiming to buff him, not to nerf him.

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                                  No more damge amp in his 1st ability pls

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    No one misses bs leave him shitty please. The hero is so annoying


                                      I miss him a lot and i look forward to seeing him buffed soon so that i can start winning as hardcarry again.

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                                      Story Time

                                        Now, guys, BS works as a semi-support-carry. Just take a reasonable combo with nukes and make sure your team can play this combo. (do not attempt it at the random party without communication).

                                        Example. Zeus and BS can become a powerful nuke machine in early game: Lightning ball making 500 damage every 7 second? it is like lvl 1 lina ult. And his ult with aganims will make in total 4480 magic damage. It is CRAZY, especailly if you think that after zeus ult BS will be running like crazy and picking up the half dead enemies.

                                        BS is a right pick for many snowballing combinations and nuky team. He will provide an early victory scenario. Dont count on the late game though. (Meaning no midas, but please buy auras and supporting items for the sustain)

                                        Best Treant EU

                                          bs and zeus ulti dont work anymore unfortunately :(..