General Discussion

General DiscussionNecrophos

Necrophos in General Discussion

    I went to 4k by spamming necrophos? I mean can I go any further with the current build. I saw some pro players who build blink on necro. Should I follow them?


      You might want to get force staff 1st after mek if you're behind, sometimes heal alone can't save your sh1tmates. :[

      Цей коментар був відредагований

        u should kill urself
        spam necr=eat shit


          ^ Stay in your shitbracket thanks

          Pale Mannie

            blink is core for him without a doubt because mobility reasons


              lol thx guys


                @maDeQQQ.GEGE U should kill urlself 1st. Normal skill slark picker.

                Player 215168758

         shows that ur mmr is 3400 :DD wtf


                    wad is I m 4005 mmr for sure


                      Necro biggest weakness is lack of mobility. I just went through guides from top necros on dotabuff and every single one of them make blink dagger. I also make blink dagger since without it a lot of Reaper potential targets can just run away. It is definetily a viable item to make after boots (any of them).

                      ASSESS Product

                        3390 mmr confirmed


                 is not on point since it only shows the mean mmr of all the people u played with that shows their mmr in their profile thus him being 3390 on yasp but undoubtly 4k since his vhs duh xD

                          Your Wife's Boyfriend

                            blink - travels - dagon - ethereal - aghs - upg dagon - octarine (better than refresher) got 60%+ with this and this hero helped me a lot with getting to 5k (many times :D), going some retarded tanky mek/bm build with 335 ms and no form of mobility makes u super useless and easily countered by linkens I always rush blink.

                            Dire Wolf

                              I think I've only built blink once but yep, it's great. Only time you probably wouldn't go blink is if you're like safe lane and just going for a tanking pushing build. Don't forget how good shivas and the armor is, especially if you don't build mek. Necro has pretty bad armor but usually a lot of hp stat items. Sometimes it's a good idea to go point booster and a casual plate mail before finishing aghs. A build like boots, blink, mek, point booster, plate mail, aghs, oct, shivas is pretty good.


                                I found blink bad item only in games versus tons of Blink STR initiators. For example if enemy team have similiar setup to the following:
                                sven/wk, axe, bara its totally not worth doing blink, mek or blademail would be way better in this setup.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  It's also kind of not that good if you don't have the burst to kill people, which is why a lot of players go dagon builds so they can do solo pickoffs. You gotta get them to ~47% to kill with aghs ult.