General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to Brood?

How to Brood? in General Discussion


    I would like and advice on BroodMother.

    That hero has interesting idea behind and I really like it.

    I got the general idea that brood should pressure enemy safe lane, deny farm space to enemy cores etc. but I feel like I'm worst brood player evah.

    What is actuall gameplay in early game? Where to place first webs, where to place sentries (Should I buy quelling blade to help me cut trees and hide sentry somewhere deep into the forest?) and how should I last hit - I feel like I'm really punished for last hits by support harasment.

    Also, what items are nice to get and what types of itemization suits brood best?

    Thanks in advance

    1k player

      dont pick it


        Have a mighty donger.


          dont feed spiderlings


            Hello I have 500 games brood mother with a good wr, I can help you if you want, add me on steam and we can talk!

            Pale Mannie

              Just because bulldong picked her against VG.R

              dont be thrilled by this ...

                I usually do this lvlup:2-1-1-2-1-2-1-(2/4)-(2/4)-then 4 and 3 with priority. it can differ for ex. when a lc is in game i lvl at least one level of 3rd skill sooner.
                item build: rush a soulring to have mana for spiderlings. then treads, vlads. these three are some kind of necessary. bkb/mkb/manta/radi/ .... in different cases
                always support yourself with sentries, observers cause u have lots of gold.
                prepare a massive amount of spiderlings then atack ur enemy, ez pz.
                push a lane, create space for allies. GG if ur allies know how to use this space!