General Discussion

General DiscussionDiffusal Anti-Mage

Diffusal Anti-Mage in General Discussion
deep name + dark anime pfp

    Is this a good item on him. I know that the mana burn doesnt work but it gives really good stats and slow would be very helpful with am. Also if u get it early u can fight a lot easier bcuz it is very hard to fight with no disables or slows as am. What do u guys think?


      nah just get a basher

      deep name + dark anime pfp

        basher has percentage chance, and doesnt give as much damage anymore. WHile diffusal u can use whenever u want and will give him more dmg. Maybe u cant cancel tps or channeling spells with diffusal but for that u can just use ulti

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        saving private RTZ

          @Andro About that , is the build on anti-mage the same? Or do you now sacrifice some survivability by replacing heart for example with a damage item? Isn't his damage lacking otherwise?

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          Dire Wolf

            try s&y then if you really want a slow, it's only a bit more and much better for am since the mana burn won't work


              Manta is just better than s&y

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                Every hero with a damaging attack modifier should get manta i.g. Am and spec

                Your Wife's Boyfriend

                  mb situational when there is no other dif carrier vs certain lineups like 1/50 games but def not a core and def not for the slow
                  if u want a non-rng slow - get a skadi never seen someone buying it but hey, it gives stats :D


                    about diffusal being "better" than basher: you maybe right with your theorycraft but remember AM gets 6 slotted fast and basher can and has to be upgraded into abyssal since am is one of the best abyssal holders and you cant even compare abbysal vs diffusal...
                    If youre facing omni ye go ahead and build diffu if you want

                    Dire Wolf

                      i dont think skadi stacks with am's mana burn. You can get s&y and manta.

                      I'd prob just go basher though and count on team to do the slowing.


                        am's passive doesnt stack with any other uams, including skadi


                          @minglee the standard build was bf vlads manta abyssal butterfly, heart has been and still is pretty situational, probably even more so now that vanguard goes into abyssal.

                          sny + manta is pointless, just disassemble the sny and then sell halberd later when you can afford your next item.


                            y does diffusal's mana burn not stack with am's mana break? i thought diffusal is not UAM anymore? just asking

                            Dire Wolf

                              it's not, but mana burns don't stack, it says so on diffusal's description


                                okay thanks.. just read it


                                  deffu not uam but not stack with am mana burn. Once ive played with am deffu cuz theres my annoying tinker and abbysal isnt enough XD

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                                  Player 215168758

                                    No one has ever tried diffusal blade on brewmaster.

                                    Player 215168758

                                      I saw a sniper with abyssal blade before, if your hit every 0.3 secs, then abyssal gives 1 stun every 3 secs and with 2,3 secs cooldown, its actually pretty good
                                      If you hit 4 times every secs or faster, then you nullify "10% chance for range, 25% chance for meele"

                                      Isnt it?
                                      But vanguand on sniper is ridiculous :D nice patch :D

                                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                                        Indeed there were some pro games were ranged heroes went abyssal. But I mean isn't sniper the worse hero in dota now?


                                          is there someone who called me?