General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to Annoy Teammates and Enemies

How to Annoy Teammates and Enemies in General Discussion

    1. Tell your teammates that you are going solo offlane and that you do not want anyone ganking unless its a 100% sure kill.

    2. Pick Timbersaw.

    3. Buy 8 Tangoes, a Healing Salve, Enchanted Mango and a Stout Shield.

    4. Max Reactive Armor.

    5. Rush Poor Man's Shield and Arcane Boots.

    6. When your Reactive Armor is level 2, don't be afraid to tank the enemy heroes and the creep wave. You will have about 25 HP regen and around 13 armor by then.

    7. When your Reactive Armor is level 4, stand in the Tier 1 Tower and afk.

    8. Win the lane.

    9. Get 16-minute Bloodstone on an offlane Timbersaw.

    10. Get greedy and dive Tier 2 tower. End up dying and wasting Bloodstone charges.

    11. Blame supports for not helping you when you 1v5 the enemy team.

    12. Keep on dying and wasting Bloodstone charges.

    13. Lose game.

    If you follow the instructions above, congratulations. You just annoyed all your teammates and enemies in 1 game.

    Ця тема була відредагована

      I love the part when you afk in the tier 1 tower. Everyone is just typing "wtf" in all chat. I do not advise doing this against a Necrophos.

      doc joferlyn simp

        Is this a legit build because I don't know anymore.



          Giff me Wingman

            you have no idea how to annoy enemy and temmates.
            I managed to do it and I got muted, matchmaking banned 24h and low prio.


              Only go till step 9 win game

              SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                Pick Tiny
                Buy Q Blade


                  Q blade?


                    QQ blade

                    Kunda slabá (Karbohydrát)

                      QQQ blade !


                        QQQQ blade


                          QQQQQ blade


                            typical K. post




                                or trash talk the enemy and allies and be an arse


                                  This is actually a legit build. Just stop at step 9 and pray you have decent teammates.


                                    if this is ur way to annoy people,this is kinda soft xD


                                      ^ This is my way to annoy people without having to talk as much.


                                        Annoy YOUR team

                                        1. Call mid, buy wards and courier(DONT USE)
                                        2. Go to mid and drop items
                                        3. afk stack enemy jungle
                                        4. Pray nobody noticed you doing shit. Keep on buying courier and ward every cooldown
                                        5. Profit

                                        a10 hunter eye edging psl...

                                          When i play timber i win lane then end up losing game because rest of team struggles or we have no decent counters, just how shit is in 1k. Is it best i just go mid as timber? If i shit on the mid laner more chance of winning?


                                            too complex got my dick stuck in our base, instead i just picked techies

                                            Hatsune Miku

                                              I have a better guide to annoy team and enemy

                                              Step 1 : Pick Techies

                                              Congrats you just annoyed everyone

                                              Arek Akashi

                                                ^ lol so true