General Discussion

General DiscussionShadow Demon and AA

Shadow Demon and AA in General Discussion
Speak English, Pick Stuns

    In the current Meta shadow demon seems to be completely absent and AA is rarely picked. Both are big counters to Naix in my experience. Shadow Demon also has quite possibly one of the best saves next to maybe dazzle with disruption. Are they just to weak early on, or do you think we will see them picked a bit more in Manilla and TI?

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        Ive seen AA picked a few times at manila since hes good against Strength heroes in general. Still, he's not the best support in a lot of situations. You'd rather have a sup with better control or more early impact.
        SD needs a buff I think. That said, he was usually picked alongside Lina and Lesh in the past since Disruption is a free euls to set up their stuns. Since neither of them are in the meta, SD doesn't really have much synergy with his team.

        Pale Mannie


            aa is both picked and banned pretty often in pub games

            Dire Wolf

              AA is picked a lot, usually counter to alch picks. Only pure support higher than him in 3k are lion and cm. Necro and mirana are also picked more.

              The problem with AA is his lane phase, weak disable, no real way to save people or lockdown. His chilling touch thing is awesome if your carry has the lockdown, but other wise it's usually a weak lane. I like him a lot to combo with like a sven, you open with storm hammer and hopefully frosty feet locks down during that stun time, then you get a ton of extra chilling touch dmg. But AA doesn't roam or gank well at all, he's all team fight.

              Shadow demon well he just kind of sucks. All his skills basically setup others for kills. He's built for trilane imo, and no one runs that anymore.


                SD is one of the biggest underdog heroes in dota. One of the most versatile, and powerful supports in the game. It's just that you don't see anyone who has spent much time with him. He scales from early, all the way to late game with minimal items needed. I currently have 256 games with him and rank 25 on dotabuff. Trust me when I say he can be used in almost any draft, and kill almost any carry in the game solo if you're good enough.