General Discussion

General DiscussionDay time dota

Day time dota in General Discussion
Story Time

    Guys, am i the only one who thinks that dota players during the day tend to flame much more, discconnect more often and in overall are not cooperative?

    PS As compared to the evening hours in your region of course


      I get more Peruvians , since I guess less of them have jobs or somthing . But ya I def have lower win rate with Peruvians I know other side has Peruvians too but a lot of my game is communicating with team and the language barrier effects me a lot .

      Dire Wolf

        yes day time dota fucking blows. Weekend dota is sometimes not so good either. Best time is like 9-11pm on a school night.

        ASSESS Product

          At daytime, most kid play at that time and there are also sone kid that skip their school. The worse are the one who playing in cyber cafe. They just don't know how to turn off mic.

          Story Time

            I think even normal people behave so much shittier during the day. It is like they know that they are supposed to do smth else and important but keep playing dota and feel guilty at the same time, and as a result they just go berserk on their teammate. Do u agree?

            Eternal Meow

              You get a lot more people who have no jobs and play games all day. Either they are stressed out because they tried and can't find a job or they are being pressured by family and friends to find one, but instead chose to play dota. I know someone about to be evicted right now because he plays games all day instead of looking for work to pay rent. I don't play games with him, but I imagine he's a likely rager. It could also be someone who is home sick or chronically ill. Being unwell makes people be in a worse mood. My friend who rages the most at people spent years of his life playing dota and league of legends for 10-12 hours a day. In the lowest skill brackets... He acted like it was his job and the other players were holding back his professional career. I think he could have made a better career out of recording his own raging and posting in on youtube for clicks.

              Also there are a lot of kids off for the summer. Young boys love yelling at strangers on the internet.


                The real question is: is your daytime my daytime

                Story Time

                  ^My region is pertty small in terms of time zones (east + west europe), so my daytime would mean everyone's daytime here


                    Weird. I find daytime doto best doto.

                    Execute Order 322

                      ^ wise man
                      Daytime dota is surprisingly better then the eveining/night
                      In the evening/night I end up getting retarded stacks/drunks/stacks of drunks quite more often


                        I play a lot of my games in the morning and morning dota kinda sucks. It's just what works for my schedule. It's always harder to get a stack of 5 people that speak my language and have a mic in the morning.

                        You get a lot more people who have no jobs and play games all day.

                        when I play in the morning there's often a player that's like "we gotta end quick I have to go to work".

                        honestly I assume the reason is simply that there are fewer players, therefore there's a smaller pool from which the matchmaking algorithm can find quality matches for people. That's purely conjecture though, I don't really know.

                        also if you guys haven't noticed, on your activity page (e.g., my activity page), we actually show you your win rate broken down by time of day and day of the week at the bottom of the page. Apparently I win on Wednesdays and lose on Saturdays, and the difference between 6pm and 7pm my time is pretty notable.

                        Story Time

                          ^Scraps, i actually started this topic because of this statistical consistency in my dotabuff profile, best win time after 22 00 and till 2 00.