General Discussion

General DiscussionSecret.Bulba

Secret.Bulba in General Discussion


    ASSESS Product

      Wow really?


        Honestly thought it's gonna be Secret.Zai rather than bulbu


          Current EG Roster, 1- Fear 2 - Anele 3 - ABANDONED 4 - Zai 5 - Pjsalt


            or? Zai is carry? and fear still support?



                So did Bulba and Universe just switch places?


                  aui kicked, zai back to eg according to empire twitter guy

                  Dire Wolf

                    So eg is back to the same roster that won TI? Move fear back to carry, maybe they can fix some issues.


                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        We will see the full rosters soon enough, the qualifiers start at the 21st of June or something.

                        Dire Wolf

                          how do they determine what qualifier you should be in? Like if EG gets a direct invite to the NA qualifier and loses can they play in say the chinese open qualifier?


                            Aui kicked again?😂😂

                            saving private RTZ

                              It would be hilarious if EG/Secret doesn't make out of Open Quals. Its BO1 after all, some cheesy drow strat and they can be out. Slim chances though.


                                well its definitely a possibility if they play enough games. like even if the odds are 95-5 in their favour in each bo1, play enough and you'll probably eventually lose one game. it's 8 bo1s until the semi finals which are then bo3s.

                                Homzi(most wanted interna...

                                  How do u know this >_>


                                    well manila major and TI5 open qualifiers had the same rules - 1024 teams, all BO1s except for semifinals and finals which were BO3s.

                                    @dire wolf
                                    the open qualifiers happen before the main qualifiers because the prize for winning the open qualifiers is an invite to the main qualifiers, not a direct invite to the main event, and main qualifiers don't happen before _all_ regional open qualifiers have been completed, so it's impossible for like the NA main qualifier to be completed first, then for the NA teams that didn't qualify to go to another open qualifier of another region.

                                    I don't know if there's any rules about teams going into other regional open qualifiers, but I would assume (possibly incorrectly) that the ping disadvantage makes it too difficult to compete.

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      I think an NA team could play EU and vice versa, ping is usually under 300 ms, but china or sea no way. But if these teams were serious enough they could go park it in an apartment they rent over there that has good internet. But I think there's no way in hell they don't get qualifier invites and that would mess up the timing as you said.