General Discussion

General DiscussionStrange Flows in my skill bracket

Strange Flows in my skill bracket in General Discussion

    Well, I spend most all of my game in Ability Draft, then recently i started play All Pick , Single Draft , AR, and other modes which affect MMR.

    (Just look at my profile) the flows of my bracket is strange enough. After leaving ability drafts, I directly placed on VHS with somewhat disappointing result (PA) - Then thrown back to NS with disenchant output too (Jugg) - The strange flows was started here, Instead of stay in NS, I climb to HS, and the result was better than previous 2 matches.

    After that decent Spectre HS match, neither stayed in HS nor advanced to VHS, I just wandered around in Normal Skill where I owned most of those NS matches. Climbed up once as Clinkz with pretty bad K/D/A yet high Tower damage stats as i Rat, I back to NS again.

    Lately I played Riki in HS with best K/D/A compared to my teamnate but low XPM and GPM, I thrown back once again to normal skill

    Can someone explain this?


      Cool story bro


        Lol dat means ur teammates level just NS, not just for u but a team

        Johnny Rico

          the skill bracket its all the solo pub mmr/ 10 them depending of the result, you get the bracket.
          It happened to me as well, got put on hs, played solo offlane pl, didnt do shit back to ns,
          next time got a drown farmed and rated most of the game, i won but back to ns again.