General Discussion

General DiscussionViper, mid and stuff

Viper, mid and stuff in General Discussion

    Hi all i recently started playing viper and figuring out what items will fit my playstyle here are some questions:

    1. What should I do in lane (I know try to harass and last hit) to completely destroy other mid. I was playing against some noob miders and I've managed to get some kills but still I think that someone with higher skill could beat me up even if viper = lane dominance.
    I am just looking for small but precise tips eg maybe go behind creepwave? Push wave on enemy highground ? When to do it etc.
    2. How to effectively lane against good/normal skilled viper?
    3. Item build and playstyle. Some small tips I know there is a lot of pages where I can find plenty of different bulids but I also want to know reasoning behind your bulids, your strategic and playstyle I sometimes struggle between damage and survivability. Is blink dagger a way to go on this hero ?
    Deso/Diffusal/lifesteal? Manta/s&y?

    Also how to know if this is a viper game.

    Looking for advices from experienced players thanks in advance

    Dire Wolf

      It depends a lot on the matchup. Viper pretty much sits in lane farming his first item before rotating, deny enemy mid's farm, rotate if you get a haste rune, carry tp.

      What you skill depends. If you have trouble last hitting and a target you can easily harass then nethertoxin is great. Helps push tower too. If you have a target you want to harass but not right click as much go poison. Poison can get you kills if your target can't escape cus the slow is good. 1 pt in skin is usually plenty but against certain matchups like alchemist more can be good.

      Items too depends on how you want to play. Viper can go disabler, tank, ganker, dps. A lot of times you have safe lane dps so you'll build tanky items and push with team. In that case treads, mek, aghs and then a skadi or heart. If you go right click dps viper then phase or treads, dragon lance, yasha into s&y or manta, butter or ac is really good. Throw a deso in there if you want.

      Gank viper get silver edge and phase boots and go to town. Also bloodthrone is really awesome against some heroes and viper is fine carrying it.

      Laning against viper is really hard. Just don't get out of position and let him kill you. Viper farms kind of slow but will snowball out of control with kills.


        Big thanks for your answer I have 2 questions:
        1 after what item/minute mark would you recommend ganking?
        2 early blink (after treads, ring of aquila, mek/parts of mek) is a way to go ?


          To me, viper doesn't seem to hit a big power spike when he gets a blink (unlike axe or slardar for example) so i wouldn't rush it. That being said i'm not an experienced player and my viper games have been terrible so far :S