General Discussion

General Discussionshould you spam pos 5 heroes to climb 2k trench?

should you spam pos 5 heroes to climb 2k trench? in General Discussion

    idk if I should

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      Yes. Make sure you upgrade the cour at 3:00, buy all wards, smokes and have a brown boot at 30 min mark.


        pick a carry,buy wards and cour,and carry the game

        sin blyadi


          Pale Mannie

            maybe this guy helps


              im spamming pos4-5 to get out of 3k and its working super well - disruptor and phoenix so far, and I should add beastmaster in the mix. Im used to play only mid and carry and since this feels like a learning experience too i have to say its more fun than being frustrated at your team sucking and having to carry as a midder. bounty and riki are probably very strong too. mirana is good when they have a greedy lineup (more than 1 carry - lc jungle or smth) but you have to play very conservatively with ur mana until u get aghs. cm and wd surely do well if u get the right games for them.

              all in all, I got like 300 rating in like 20 games without breaking a sweat playing heroes i don't know how to play on positions relatively unfamiliar to me. shit son phoenix spam to 7k works