General Discussion

General DiscussionAccount Buyers Plz Read

Account Buyers Plz Read in General Discussion

    Just lost 75 MMR because of account buyers. (5.6K MMR)

    Some of us have BUSY LIVES And we take a break from our HECTIC SCHEDULES to play DOTA 2 and RELAX

    and we cannot enjoy the game cause you fucking retards buy accounts and pick a core hero when u are fucking terrible at this game.

    fuck you.

    My motivation to ever play this game ever again is completely gone.


    I was raging but seriously fuck you account buyers plz go play league of legends or some shit

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      I'm on my 4th glass of sangria watching France vs whoeverthefuck . Every drop is a dream. Bout to pour another glass,

      Your Wife's Boyfriend

        totally agreed, im also giving up on this game

        but u made me google what hectic means who even uses such words


          the chance that an account buyer will be on the enemy team is 5/9, which exceeds the likelihood of him being on your side.


            Thats actually a good point Triple Steal.

            I think cause i won like 14 games in a row valve just put me with complete retards.

            Dota 2 match making is a huge joke right now. Going to take a long break from this crap.

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              Fit birds on the Ibiza beaches . Some of em have got their tops off u can see their juggs


                Just accept ur loose and don't try to hard, get music and don't get mad so its only one loose


                  Did you ever consider that maybe, just maybe, your own MMR is too high for your actual skill level?

                  Look, I'm 2k, and I deserve it. Maybe you just don't deserve the 5.6k you got right now?

                  Like, maybe you rested on your laurels, playing RELAXING DOTA, while other people were getting better?

                  Did they admit to buying, or are you just making an assumption?



                    Im not gonna bother answering u sorry

                    offlane only

                      @yoloswag u just did lul

                      Eternal Meow

                        How do you know they bought the account?


                          If you're analysis of the situation is correct, then you will gain MMR in the long term, not lose. Why? Because your team has 4 other random players and the opposing team has 5 random players, thus there is a 25% higher chance that there will be one on the enemy team than on your team.

                          Easy to fall into the trap that whenever you win, it's solely on account of your own awesomeness, but when you lose, it's someone else's fault. All the frustrating shit everyone hates about Dota happens to the enemy team too. As long as you're not participating yourself, it happens far more.

                          For an example, I didn't see you making any complaints about the Windranger in this game: From a cursory examination of the stats, it looks like a WAY harder throw than your last two loses- especially considering it was almost an hour long game, suggesting they were doing well even with the terrible Windranger. When it's on the other team, all the sudden you stop making excuses. You seldom hear anyone say "Well they had a terrible player, so it doesn't really count." I dare say you'd have lost that other game if the Windranger hadn't done so poorly. That's just one example, but if you look through a big enough sample size I suspect you'll notice it happens more to your benefit than detriment.

                          You're obviously a much more talented player than I am; I have a hard time believing you don't notice deficiencies in your opponents play as much as your own team. That sort of thing is EXTREMELY common amoungst the rest of us, but I would have thought better players would get a much better read on the game and notice the enemy's mistakes as much as their teammates. Maybe not though.... If you look for it, you'll start seeing it. Every 4 games you lose from account buyers (again, assuming your supposition is correct) you'll win 5 since you are not one yourself.

                          A brief examination of the chat logs however indicates that for games that are decided on account of poor chemistry and comradery, as well as general toxicity, you will likely lose more games than you win. I don't know what the base chance is, but if we guess it's around 25% chance of each player being a douche, then for games that are decided by douchebaggery you will lose 8 for every 5 you win.... maybe... It's possible that as the number of douches on one team increases, their impact becomes exponential as they begin interacting with each other. This is actually maybe much harder to calculate than I thought... What's the base chance of a random player being a quitter? That one isn't working in your favor either, and if you knew the base chance you could calculate how many games you win from quitters versus how many you lose.


                            didnt read LUL

                            Swap Commends

                              No matter what u say,smurfs & account buyers gonna burn your thread Bcuz truth has spoken.


                                "I think cause i won like 14 games in a row valve just put me with complete retards.
                                Dota 2 match making is a huge joke right now. Going to take a long break from this crap."

                                winning 14 games in a row likely puts u at more difficult games, duh. it doesn't put u with retards. likely u are the retard that doesn't belong with the other 4 players. winning 14 games in a row puts u with completely better players on the other team.

                                and u can't fkn handle it. boo hoo

                                Цей коментар був відредагований
                                Player 215168758

                                  When I'm on losing streak, matchmaking rarely gives me try hard team

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                                      Need to talk,remove your ...

                                        Mad cuz bad


                                          Lol, I wonder what all those guys, who periodically lose 400-500 MMR points and get them back after a while, think after reading that first sentence.


                                            you lost 75 mmr ,and its take so hard that you need break from game ,this topic.etc :)


                                              Maybe your skill has decreased? I can't read this with a straight face lol, since when is dota 2 relaxing? Maybe play a new game! You seem to me like a single player kinda person

                                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                "Single player kinda person"


                                                  What the actual ass r u talking about rekt&fun. U get a shitter team after a losing streak. It's how the system works. But u also have a shitter enemy team, if u know how to exploit it. Unless the losing streak is putting u where u belong


                                                    Guys i want to buy 5.5k + Account pls

                                                    Fee Too Pee

                                                      I droped from 4k to 3.8k and i admit I deserve it with my nyx , lion , am games


                                                        ^ nyx lion am? Your a true cancer guy.

                                                        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                          I don't understand why people buying high mmr account. It's more to fun in your own level.

                                                          I recently played with a 6700+ mmr in a singledraft low prio and game the skill difference is very noticable among us 3k.


                                                            @yoloswag, according to some morons on this forum, its all your fault, it is not the teams fault that you cant carry 1v9 if you are good enough :)) I just enjoy making fun of that brain dead logic, sorry...

                                                            But 4real now, account buyers are at every bracket, because a 4k account is cheap, a 5k is less cheap, but a 6k account is not but for some scrub its worth it.
                                                            And yes, the mm system is a complete joke...

                                                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                              I was just mad at the ridiculousness of the 3 matches I played today.

                                                              I literally had a white guy on my team who last picked random shadow fiend against a team full of counters,

                                                              goes 1-11,

                                                              and all game he is on mic talking about how we should play

                                                              meanwhile i check his dotabuff and he has 1200 games in SE asia and 3 in "other" ( i was playing in US EAST)

                                                              i ask him "HEY BRO, HOW MUCH DID U PAY FOR UR ACC IAM CURIOUS"

                                                              and like mad people reported him lmfaoo

                                                              and he just mutes me ROFL

                                                              The terrible part is,

                                                              Winning a dota match should not be about who gets less retards / peruvians / acc buyers / smurfs on their team

                                                              what mmr do i need to get so it's just me and a bunch of players who I don't have to fear are fucking clueless baboons

                                                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                I picked a support in my last match, I have to pull to deny solo offlane kunka EXP and secure farm for void who is highest mmr in my team, which is cool with me.

                                                                Axe goes into jungle, farms easy camp and hard camps used to pull, and does not stop even tho i tell him multiple times and he speaks perfect english

                                                                he tries to pull right? he pulls the easy camp only, causing a double wave, enemy kunkka gets mad EXP , lvl 6 super fast, Meanwhile i cannot farm jungle creeps while i pull like a support normally would, so im under lvled, under farmed,

                                                                there is NO OTHER SUPPORT, and i am just like

                                                                "fuck this i am done"

                                                                I literally was on full tilt mode

                                                                i am rly good at being positive but dear lord I was like ok this is fucking ridiculous


                                                                  some people are wondering "what mmr do i need to get so it's just me and a bunch of players who I don't have to fear are fucking clueless baboons" even from the 3k bracket, so imagine this is a disease that covers most of dota brackets. Maybe not above 7k mmr, but there are just a few players above 7k

                                                                  Player 215168758

                                                                    Even miracle found shitty teammates, watch his video and realize its impossible to avoid smurfs


                                                                      Burp burp


                                                                        The trench (which comes from the word tranche - french word, meaning a "portion of something", and hell we all know what that "something" is) is like the Neverending Story in Dota. As you climb the ladder you will realize that even though more and more of your games will have skillful players (noone can deny that a 5k player > 3k player), more and more of your games will contain douchebags. Why? The simple answer is: the closer you are to the "top", the more "power" you have - without being able to handle it - the more you will brag about it. People just forget their background, where they come from. Of course you can have winning and losing streaks, but just what I asked myself the other day... Why do I win games on 5k+ and lose games in 3800 international? Do I care less? Maybe. Do I play worse? Absolutely.


                                                                          ^ Other 5ks have 3.8 international too, so u never know