General Discussion

General Discussioncm

cm in General Discussion
sin blyadi

    Is this hero effective or not? why and when should be picked?

    Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

      She's really good if they don't have a lot of high mobility f ag e t s who can just get behind your team and one shot you.

      She has the best CC in the game ( 3sec root 6 sec sec 50% uptime ), but also the lowest ms and hp.

      Execute Order 322

        Effective or not? Check her winrate, fam.

        Cm is a good first pick because she is a decent pos. 5 support and she fits well into mana-greedy line-ups. Espescially good when there is a lot of melee heroes and lack of stuns in the enemy team.
        cm is vulnerable to high dmg nukes and, sadly, almost all carries but i'd say she's especially vulnerable to spectre cuz of haunt and anti-mage cuz he's anti-mage.

        cm requires a good positioning cuz she's extremely fragile and has no escape abilities

        Dire Wolf

          Good pub hero cus just the aura can help your team a ton. She's really good in lane too with two disables. Problem is she falls off late, countered by bkb and gets 1 shotted late. Her ult does a ton of dmg though and can be effective late game if you get it off.


            Like in grand finals that cm ult was epic by og

            Venus, MBA

              I've never believed in Crystal Maiden as being a competitively good support hero. There always seems to be a better alternative to picking her. The only proprietary things I've noticed with her is that you can farm jungle creeps for extra xp while supporting your safe lane carry, and of course, her aura.

              Story Time

                cm goes together with the aggressive earlz game pick. If you count on the late game - do not pick CM!