General Discussion



    In this 6.88 patch, PA is now becoming greedy again...popular...agressive like this hero gives cancer to opponents. The question is why did the Valve made an improvement on the second skill which is now pierces spell immunity even though you have BKB. I expect that PA's evasion will be lessen from 20/30/40/50% into 11/22/33/44% or the 1st skill(STIFFLING DAGGER) should be 12/10/8/6....To those players who hate PA...just suck Valve. Oh well, it's not "THE POWER OF BALANCE" anymore.


      but she is easy to kill. With powerful nuke and disable that goes trough bkb. (Void is much scarier)

      lm ao

        wtf why is pa in every one of my games

        Rory B. Bellows

          Just pick nukers? PA is pretty weak. In that void game, you had three melee carries and only puck and ogre to do magic damage. Bad picks.

          House Cat

            PA stiffling dagger is more annoying than Zeus's chain lightning. Zeus can only cast it 6x based on his lvl 1 mana pool while PA can spam it forever. use a mana pot and that PA will just dagger it away.

            Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

              PA is extremely strong on todays pub where player don't "counter" enemy hero (they just pick what they want to play).

              My friend encounter a bottle PA on mid against his Mirana and the nonstop Dagger is very painful.

              Stiffling Dagger should be nerf. Like decrease the damage, shorten the cast range, or decrease the slow


                Pretty sure Halaberd and Mkb spell doom to PA no mattervwhat skill level :o


                  Theres reason why she rarely appear in major tournaments and only had 51% while heroes like wraith king had 55%


                    rolf there are actually people having troubles with pa


                      She's really only good if you are ahead. If you fall behind on her she dies pretty fast once they get MKBs.

                      If you don't keep her pressured with a hero who can turn on her and kill her then she can out solo lane you once she gets level 6 with dagger spam and then jumping on the enemy hero if she lands a crit, but if she is pressured (ie 2+ heroes) then she can't play too aggressive and has to resort to dagger spam.

                      My losing games -

                      Team is shit, feed (5 kills in 5 minutes - Axe dies twice, why every time Axe on my team he is uselss but on enemy team he always always gets super fat and demolishes my team I don't know), I tp to help fight and just end up getting blown up slark/timber/alch fall behind and can't do shit. Easy loss.


                      Mid Invoker is an imbecile, jungle TB, SF gets 15 minute silver edge. Game pretty much over from that point.


                      Yet more feeding by my team, support CM doesn't buy any wards so bounty hunter and Aba are just able to run her down when inreality it should have been an easily won lane thanks to CM's spells and dagger spam. Offlane Spirit Breaker/OD...I mean wtf. OD and CM just keep feeding kill after kill after kill to Sven and BH. Sniper is of course fucking useless compared to enemy mid QoP. Both him and SB build fucking shadow blade against a bounty hunter - this was apparently a 3.4k game or some shit like that. Anyway Sven gets super fucking fed super fucking fast - 13 minute blink, 23 minute BKB, 32 minute MKB. GG can't even stand against him while he and QoP just run our retarded team down. The OD apparently eventually got so sad about his poor play he stopped playing altogether 4 months ago.


                      Forced into offlane after I picked first because some fucking moron was placed on my team and picked Wraith King to go bot even after enemy had picked an Antimage. Means I'm just easy for Tiny to kill with Enchantress ganking in, super low hp means die to Avalanche toss combo very quickly. Nobody pushes, eventually AM gets farm, no pressure applied and AM goes beyond godlike. Idiot Qop farms an Aghs first rather than Orchid then goes back for orchid and completes it at the exact same time that AM completes Manta. AM gets 34 minute MKB , WR can't land a shackle to save her fucking life. Easy loss.


                      Only carry on a team with worthless hereos. Lion mid. Last guy picks a fucking ogre magi to "support" me against a solo offlane Viper. Of course ogre magi can do nothing against solo offlane Viper so he gets the best lane of his fucking life. Highest cs on enemy team at 10 minutes - more than twice mine since he can just poison attack me if I come close to the creep wave to try and get a cs, 9 minute 40 mek. Offlane earth spirit and kunkka do of course fuck all against a spectre/tusk/pudge except feed while mid Lion of course scales like nothing while enemy mid SF yet again gets MKB as does Spectre.

                      Every other game I've played on her have had easy lanes, teams which know what they are doing, good team line ups etc and have dominated on the hero. It all depends on how retarded your team is on whether you can win or lose with the hero.

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                        PA can't carry alone, she is useless without space


                          PA is not a reliable carry.

                          She needs no nerfs at the moment.


                            Pa in under 2kmmr is number one hero in meta

                            lm ao

                              i ike to smoke pot

                              Pale Mannie

                                i like to do shitty memes

                                feeding weaboo

                                  The dagger needs a nerf,otherwise she's easy to counter with nukes

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    she is shit after blademail buffs



                                      Purge just uploaded his own theory

                                      Also he played with a certain DB forum legend.. Or should I say God


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