General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen to pick LUNA ?

When to pick LUNA ? in General Discussion


    I want to ask question about Luna
    I think this hero is fun to play (never try in pubs), i've been playing Luna against bots (been doing this for every hero before go to pubs)
    and its really fun
    my question is.. when to pick Luna in pubs ? because this hero is very paper and has shitty range (dont know if dragon lance is good for this hero).


      Since you play in SEA just pick her whenever you don't want a support.

      lm ao

        shes an alternative to drow ranger for push strats


          when you fuck up your lvl 1 rosh

          pls be patient very noob ...

            I came across some guy on here who climbed to 4k by playing luna with mom, dagger and threads for farming items. Hope he sees this.


              I prefer yasha + wind lance if you going for farming items.. but im talking about the drafting because sometimes i want to pick luna but the enemy has heroes like sven,pudge,riki,am (typical pub heroes) which are hard to play against

              D the Superior
                Цей коментар був видалений модератором

                  autocorrect :D

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    Ideally u want to know what their cores are b4 u pick Luna.
                    There are too many heroes u can't do shit to - lifestealer, am, slark are almost an autolose. Jugg, ta, storm, tinker are hard to play against. Amongst supports omni and oracle fuck ur shit up hard though they aren't really a problem if enemy carry can't deal with u 1 v 1 because then u can just split them. Invis heroes are a huge pain in the ass.

                    Basically anything that kites ur ulti hard and can't be splitpushed is a huge problem and is probably a loss because you can't do shit in the game. I don't know what will be pub's meta, but if riki, am, jugg, tinker will be dominant I think luna's pretty fucked, u have just 1 ban that may or may not proc.

                    Dragon lance is rly good, just don't disassemble it into bkb right away and keep it until you get Aghs. Lance+Skadi is OP.

                    Best Treant EU

                      luna is op. u can pick her everytime because she outfarmes every other hero, except sven or alche. but alche is useless hero. if u cant fight the enemy carries. just try to split push. luna is one of the fastest heroes when it comes to destroying the enemies base


                        idk why Lifestealer is considered a counter for luna.. after i saw this thread i play and pick luna first and got counter pick but still manage to own the game (early,mid,late) even when they 2v1 me (lifestealer slark) i still survive and kill lifestealer..
                        so my conclusion is lifestealer is not a counter for luna, luna is a counter for lifestealer


                          Luna is a carry who does a shit ton of magical damage and has the potential to do a little of physical damage in teamfights.

                          Her only problem is that she's very vulnerable to nukes pre bkb and can be out dps by certain carries. She also lacks an escape.

                          She does well vs lifestealer, alch and timbersaw. She's weak towards AM, slark, and natural bkb holders early game.

                          However, she can focus on item dependency for being a safe lane carry, or she can also work as a level dependant mid who can gank pretty effectively of I know how to do it right.

                          She's NOT an offlaner, and she can jungle to some extent, so try it out. She's the jack of all trades, master of none type of carry if u ask me.



                            What items for jungling ? Talon ?
                            And what skill to take if you going jungle ?
                            sry 3k mmr here

                            Professor Dog

                              She rides cat.


                                Buy blink dagger&bkb and like surprise motherfker :))
                                And dont jungle
                                U better solo off with more exp and gold

                                House Cat

                                  Luna is a chill carry. You wont get stressed playing her, so when I just want to chill out and have fun I pick Luna


                                    life stealer is a counter for luna, cause he can make a triple offensiv against luna. and thus get a HUGE edge that luna will never overcome.

                                    And NO, luna is not weak to am, it's the other way arround. You cann't split push faster than a team with luna can push, and you are so weak in teamfight compare to luna. Late game you cann't even take her alone anymore since she can play with sata.

                                    And yeah, she is an extremly fast wooder (kind of slow before lvl 3)


                                      do you go 4-4-1 nowadays with something like dragon lance sny bkb?

                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                        u definitely don't go sny it's shit on ranged heroes


                                        SHINIGAMI HLA WAI

                                          ^ there are five 3s in this, you smart arse :D

                                          sin blyadi


                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                              ^ there are five 3s in this, you smart arse :D

                                              Do you know what a/b->b/a means?

                                              Цей коментар був відредагований
                                              srg. RexPowerColt

                                                hero's very powerfull, i have 70%wr, ez pusher
                                                need a lot farm
                                                never bought DL

                                                The Best Girl Gamer(comme...

                                                  the time to pick luna is when you want a strong range carry. she needs good support in early game vs certain lanes. plays well with range supports. plays well against heroes who are susceptible to magic damage in mid game. late game, she is a powerhouse with proper items and can push towers and barracks in a matter of seconds. she is hard to defend if farmed well because her attacks bounce so much between buildings and heroes. bkb is a must in most games. she is weak against early game strats and agressive lanes, which is why often she requires alot of support. lifestealer fucks her up. juggernaut fucks her up as well.


                                                    Juggernaut fucks every hero aswell as doom fucks every hero with doom or void fucks every hero in chronosphere :^)


                                                      same time when you need drow ranger
                                                      except that luna deals more magical damage and rats faster,with the exchange of the slow,physical damage,and range

                                                      MID OR ALL MID

                                                        huskar will laugh so loud with this post ez magic resistance lol