General Discussion

General DiscussionGive me TIPS to hit VHS bracket pls

Give me TIPS to hit VHS bracket pls in General Discussion

    I am just wondering everytime I see players who are very low on GPM,XPM,etc are in VHS bracket pls explain. This my 6th smurf as u can see cus everytime i will calibrate an avg mmr of 2,800-3,300 i stop and make new...So few players also tell me u just have to own the game so im trying im just confused (what does calibration mmr/bracketing truly need?) Obviously u could see me spam necro and take as much kills as long as i have my SS and dagon ready unlike my previous accounts that always farm and less clash and less kill i see little bit changes.

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      win games
      u can be in vhs with rly poor gpm/xpm/etc as long as u dont suck




          DO NOT GO SUPP




              ^ Meta heroes doesn't really help unless you can pull out better results than the world's average stats. More than stats, I believe smurf detector look for many other things you do.


                stop smurfing. play LOL and become top 1 then go back to dota, you'll probably get 4k+ mmr.


                  you .... are .... not... more.... than... a ... 3500 player... you need to get that thru your head. Most of us have been there.
                  simple as that. I don't mean to be mean, but if you want to improve you need to improve all the little skills in Dota that add up to make the player you are. You are probably very good at some things, but very poor at others, and mediocre at even more... you can't just 'try harder' or 'play more' or 'make new accounts'.. that's asking to stay the same or grow over a VERY long time. U MUST actually concentrate on what you are doing wrong and fix that... and also improve the things you are actually really good at too (cuz there isn't a damn thing you are better than a 5k player.. not likely at all), just prioritize the ones you need the most work on.

                  train. practice. self-reflect. watch your own replays. critique yourself.

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                  Back2Back Catan Winner

                    lmfao if you get calibrated at 3k mmr 5 times, then your probably a 3k mmr player.
                    Don't try to get into games that are above your skill level, stick to your account and improve.


                      Git gud


                        Practice lasthitting, watch minimap, always carry tps and use Them.
                        Its not that Hard to get VHS actually


                          Get 3.7k


                            MMR is just an imaginary number and does not necessarily show your true skill. Instead of trying to grind to reach a 4k MMR, go watch some videos and read some guides. Play all roles. Experiment in unranked if you are afraid of losing MMR and tilting after getting flamed by your 4 teammates. Spamming core heroes does make you better mechanically, but there are many things that can be learnt playing a support role. The same applies if you are a support spammer; go play the other roles.

                            Playing support requires you to be efficient with your movement in the early game and make use whatever resources you have. You get punished more if you miss a last hit (because you have less time farming) and mispositioned yourself (support heroes lack the mobility and hp). Most of the time you will be watching the map predicting movements from enemy heroes, trying to stack for your carry while warding and looking for opportunities to gank. This requires good time management, communication and planning. Don't be those supports that just leech exp and do nothing while watching their carry last hit and getting harassed. Go zone enemy heroes, trade some blows and move around the map (or at least deny and stack camps).

                            Core roles have their own benefits too but I can't say much since I mainly play supports when tryharding in ranked.

                            Play all roles and play for fun. Play smart and go watch some guides.


                              You've wasted so much time with these retarded smurf which you couldve used to actually improve. Youre a 3k Player at best, you wont calibrate higher. Now stick to an account and git gud.