General Discussion

General DiscussionQuit dota for your own good.

Quit dota for your own good. in General Discussion

    h8rs gonna h8


      I can just see through you. You're just ranting after a stupid game in which you got trashed because you're a no skill noob. And you blame you're team for fucking you! When in reality you last picked a fucking carry after your team has already picked 4 of them. You're no good. YOU my friend have no skill at all.


        Git gud.


          Contrary to you, I realize that this argument is a waste of time. Heres an analogy
          Arguing with a retard is like playing chess with a pigeon: No matter how good you are and how hard you win, the pigeon is gonna knock over all the pieces, shit on the board and strut over like it's victorious.
          Now fly away my little pigeon, dont make your life more miserable than it already is, wasting time on a forum about a game which you dont even like (Atleast your entertaining the rest of us with your retardation I guess).

          Your Wife's Boyfriend

            Oh boy, I saw these sentences(which are 100% true):

            "There are other things that are more productive than playing dota. You will never be professional. The whole professional scene is just meant to suck you into playing more dota."

            and I thought mb the guy is gonna say something rly smart in this wall of text. I lost like 10 mins reading are re-reading this topic whats going on today.

            Like most of the mm arguments are 100% false. Pro players make mistakes, because they are human beings, nobodys perfect, only Yaphets. And ofc, valve just want to suck you into playing more, the most important thing for them is making more and more money and all this money is coming from the community.

            Play dota if you enjoy the game, just dont quit ur job/school/college in pursuing a pro or streaming career. Like we all see these "inspirational" movies during tournaments and stuff (including free 2 play) in which they are telling you a story of a poor boy who was selling vegetables for living and how he made it to the pro scene, but for every successful e-sports story there are 1 million which didnt end up that well, but hey, no one s gonna make a movie about them. So, yea, OP is right about that, but his arguments are definitely false.

            Цей коментар був відредагований
            Lil Boosie

              44% Winrate Juggernaut Spamming Smurf Account LMAO. What a toxic player, thank God you claim to be leaving the community. GOOD RIDDANCE!


                Op has a point, but his explanation is not entirely correct. IMO any1 who is above 20 and spends a ridiculous amount of time playing this game is a fucking waste of human energy. In the bright side though, it might keep some ppl from alternatives like drugs, violence, and LOL. Ps- If you think you can do anything better in life rather than spending a lot time playing this game, then I strongly suggest go ahead and do that.


                  dota induces flow (the zone)
                  I like flow
                  I like dota

                  Its not that difficult to understand


                    You are wrong.
                    "This game is fundamentally evil by design and is meant to suck your soul for valves benefit". Seriously? Now we can't have anything interesting that it's evil? You are looking just as a religion fanatic.


                      Im pretty sure you read my mind although Im fully capable of understanding that I like wasting time and energy on playing dota 2 as I yet to have a "better" way to spend it on in my life.


                        today i have learned that pro players are human beings too, and are prone to you guessed it, mistakes!

                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                          OP isn't wrong.

                          Getting mmr in 2013 was wayyyyy easier than now.

                          rank doesn't mean shit once you reach a certain point.

                          We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                            OP isn't wrong about dota 2 and video games in general. Video games is becoming extremely popular.

                            It has destroyed family values, cause people to starve to death, killings and retardation.

                            Dota 2 is evil and video games are evil. While we sit down and play our vidya games, the world is slowly going into chaos and the rich continue to get richer off of our stupidity and single minded hive minds.

                            Wake up people!

