General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is going on

What is going on in General Discussion

    My last four Storm Spirit matches have been losses but i dont know what i am doing wrong. I keep a solid KDA and farm lane well. I go for ganks off of all runes but bounty and normally succeed and beat out the other player mid. Is my build awful? Is there something im not paying attention to? Is there a play style i need to adapt? Do i need to safelane instead of mid with Storm Spirit?


      bc NS


        Sometimes the enemy is just better than you, and sometimes four enemies in a row are better than you.
        Considering you just went 19-1-6 I dont think you are the problem. I don't play storm but I see nothing unusual in your item build. This is a game where I think it's safe to blame your team, your sven has nothing and you had a jungle lycan that did no tower damage.


          Your last game's sven is a mess he probably had the worse laning phase, getting his Stat loss from timber and mana leak from kotl probably prevented him from playing well.

          As a mid you need to create the space for him to farm either you or your offlane has to do that try applying pressure across the map so they would be more concerned about you rather than the sven once you do that your safelaner can have the space he needs to farm and perform


            I mean just looking at the stats you can see the enemy offlane was having a great time lol


              Your last game's sven is a mess he probably had the worse laning phase, getting his Stat loss from timber and mana leak from kotl probably prevented him from playing well

              seems like a good reason to buy brown boots morbid mask daedalus, lul.

              everything seems so weird
              how did you not get wrecked completely by kotl's mana leak without linken or bkb
              why do you get agh (like yeah you have sven but if you want to win games in ns you'd better not depend on your teammates like this)
              you had a ton of kills but 173 lh in 44 mins is straight awful, i'm pretty sure you could be 6 slotted with this score by then


                i can understand that if you're running around map and getting tons of kills, you don't have that much time to farm (and i'm horrible at this as well) but it looks like you didn't do anything with your lead and just kept killing people but didn't break buildings or anything
                0 TD on lycan rofl

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                  Can u tell me how kda helps u win?


                    Well it Isnt leageue of legends so killing people takes their money as well as giving you money, only dying one time means they make less money from me than they do my team and killing them keeps their gold from being super high. I get the last hits and all but all tier 3s and one lane of rax were down by the 30 min marka nd the Pudge just started shit talking and waiting us out for a hook into kills. Kotl i would silence before he could manaleak me as well as the fact mana leak doesnt apply to ultimate.

                    analytical analizer

                      laning phase, you fail to click on the pudge mid to see his items (0 item start with 1 pooled tango, you have null 3 branch 2 pooled, yet you stand on your side of the cliff and last hitting at max range whereas you could just straight up stand on his side of the cliff and there is nothing he could do to you)
                      finally at 1:47 you realise your hero actually rapes pudge 1v1 mid when he hooks you and you manfight and killh im
                      u try and take a rune at 3:30...? idk maybe it sometimes works for you but its pretty dumb
                      going raindrops and wand instead of fast treads is pretty wierd but who knows maybe itll work out
                      you play super scared the entire laning phase, like once you hit 6 you can literally just stand in front of the creep wave and auto pudge/remnant whenever he comes near ( he was 5, enemy supports is kotl and omni = 0 disables, actually no way u die unless u get ddosed)
                      basically this

                      also u shud have a tp with u instead of a pooled tango
                      @9mins you had an invis, i think the correct play here would have been stand close to kotl/omni and combo with venge + sven stun to burst, preferably omni. either way it was pretty clear a fight was about to break out so you should have stayed around, esp since you didnt carry a tp (mistake). and when the fight started you just clicked the creeps in mid without watching what was happening at all, even though you cant help, its sometimes good to watch parts of the fight so you have an ideal of what are they going to do next (low hp/mana probably means they are going to do some rotations in the jungle and back to base to heal etc so you can put a -1 to your head when you try to find chances to pick off/push tower in the next 30-45 sec
                      also u have full bottle full mana + raindrops but you hardly use ur remnant to farm at all
                      and afterwards you miss out a couple of free kills in mid that you should have gotten/forced out GA's and ball out but you didnt do so
                      19:28 is a free kill on omni btw, u have orchird, no need for vortex
                      21:29 is another free kill on kotl, even with a completely black map you could have gone for him. anyway, a few seconds ago slark dove your bot t3 and if you checked his status you would know he was in no condition to tp/help, 21:33 pudge reveals himself bot so you know hes defnitely not camping kotl (the only way you die is if pudge was in the t1 trees, you go on kotl he eats you while timber tps and chain combo you)
                      22:00 you finally attempt your kill on kotl after staring at him for 3 sec before using orchird, you get leaked , at this point you can still kill him if you just do a full ball vortex remannt 2 hits + tp out, but for some reason you decide to walk and get all your mana burned instead and die after
                      after you respawn there a small chance that you can kill slark top since hes a total retard but i guess the farm at mid was more reliable
                      25:44 after your failed attempt on slark it should be clear you are missing 2 items in ur inv : dust + tp, so you should stash/sell ru bottle + sell null,
                      26:29 btw for fights like this you either instantly take out omni, or you ball silence the omni and go on whatever easier targets
                      27:03 omni goes for a random poke on the t3, you should instantly see that hes out of position and take the free kill. instead you are busy checking the scoreboard and reporting people ._.
                      27:26 again you go for the wrong target, plus you ignore a free kill omni walking pass you
                      27:57 dont you want to pan over to mid where there is kotl + omni + a timber in the hard camp? you still have half mana pool,the least you could do is start walking to them and ball once they notice you and run. slark and pudge is out, only timber poses any threat, even then its 4v3. 28:02 timber starts tping top but omni and kotl are still patrolling mid for whatever reason = at least 1 kill at worst.
                      29:28 sven engages on pudge, yet you are afk for some reason. you need to ball in the general area and silence the omni immeidately and kill him, there are no other good targets (no way pudge dies) you are just playing way too scared against this lineup which does nothing to you, the least you could do was pick up the free kill kotl @ 29:48
                      like, they have 0 disables other than bite, you are in your base (free mana regen), you can basically just keep balling and going for kills/whittle them down with very little cost. yet you are standing at the backlines doing nothing
                      32:32 another free kill timber/force suicide
                      the rest of the game is pretty much the same, they are pushing your base but you just play super scared like you are against lion es lc void when in reality you are playing storm against a 1 melee disable lineup
                      also just in case i get flamed for giving advice because "normal skill"

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                        Aghs because Lich kept telling me how baller an ultimate he was gonna hit.


                          Watch your safelaner more would be a good start


                            If I was that sven I would have gone for a more utility route and help you instead. I think the daedulus pick was out of desperation hoping for a good team wipe cleave

                            Livin' Real Good

                              1. Don't ever buy AGS on him, it's trash, I can picture it in pro/actual good team games though.

                              2. Your tower damage is pathetic every game, you're the type of player that only focuses on kills all game. You get fed, you bask in the carry glory, and storm spirits clever little laugh's every time he gets a kill, you feel like a pro, then the enemy team comes back and wins cause they out farm your shit teammates, then eventually get the same farm as you, and you realize that you don't do any damage to them anymore.

                              Start split pushing more, and hitting towers more, and encouraging your teammates to hit towers.

                              (This is just based off what I see in your storm games, not other heroes)

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                                Ty lul25, im gonna watch replay and look and what all u said. Ty so much for the help!


                                  You should see lost games from minute 0 looking at your teams profile and their item choices
                                  and you should say gg ff while getting kills and not question anything what your team does after 1k matches in normal skill I understand these situations

                                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                                    U do know u win game by taking objectives and ancient while u had 100 td which is absolute garbage even as storm
                                    well deserved loss.

                                    Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                      Aghanim scepter is a waste of gold / time unless you're winning the game with a good team, so it's not worthy. Linken it should be better choice in that situation, you can avoid dismember and mana leak with linkens, also you have better stats and mana regen from it. anyways you lost not by your fault but your teammates.
                                      your fault 20% your teammates the rest.

                                      Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                        I forget to mention about bloodthorn. Instead of building it with that 3000 of gold after orchid you should go for items of survavility. bloodthorn give you nothing.


                                          I don't think aga was A bad choice, seeing the kind of game it was, the only way back was to land a nice vortex on a few and let sven do his work, no other way to win, even if he got linkens it would have just made him harder to kill which is not why he lost

                                          Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                            as I said, if your teammates are good, aghanim its a choice, but not this case. sven had nothing not even dagger. so you should not expect anything about teammates.


                                              Then there is no other way to win, he can't 1v9 this

                                              Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                                mmm maybe not, but i dont think the enemies played togheter. they're "normal skill" but i prefer to go for linkens, or vyse instead of bloodthorn and aghanim. with those items orchid + vyse he can chase someone and silence omni or chase omni using orchid and vyse, and scape.


                                                  Don't you think that is kind of pointless? Going in and out? Although you are killing a high priority target, it's not gonna win you the fight unless you are able to do it 5 times. In my experience (which may not be much), you need to set everything up for your team seeing as how much setting up his team needs, seems to me they need to be spoon fed the kills

                                                  Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                                    well. playing in 1v9 situation you just can't win fights alone not in late game. so you have to put pressure in other ways like pushing, making pick off. creating space to your teammates. If you think that you can win a match fighting always 1v5 you're crazy, even if you have Medusa 6 slotted.


                                                      I agree, which was the point I made much earlier, he needs to apply pressure across the map


                                                        0 tower dmg thats ur problem

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                                                        analytical analizer

                                                          bloodthrones fine it gave true strike against slark butterfly

                                                          Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                                            Agree with afeect. and LUL25 try to do not comment if you have 23%winrate and normal skill.

                                                            analytical analizer
