General Discussion

General DiscussionDo you really have a Positive Mental Attitude once the game starts?

Do you really have a Positive Mental Attitude once the game starts? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    If so, when do you start losing it and getting it back? :] Kindly share your thoughts based on your exp :]

    Guy Riki

      Never lose it


        when do you start losing, rat is a way

        monika the dead meme

          Learn from the pros. Learn from RTZ.


            lose it when the worst player on my team starts talking shit for thirty minutes straight otherwise we cool


              "hey guys lets win this game"
              insta mute

                Цей коментар був відредагований

                  no , just flame everytime and make your team triggered



                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                      hey guys lets win this game

                      hey it would be nice of you picked %dogshit% just a suggestion bro ;)
                      hey man pls no jungle :)
                      can i get mid please i am good check my games
                      uggh... %hero%? i don't think it's a good choice dude pls pick %dogshit% :)


                      ah yea i almost forgot another goldie

                      duo-queue, 3600 avg
                      a guy randoms arc
                      swaps with another guy
                      "storm carry? lol"
                      "pls report storm"
                      "dota is not for noobs(3600)"
                      everyone then proceeds to eat shit and do nothing so it takes an hour and 1478912735290 neuron cells to win the game basically alone

                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                        "hey guys im gonna mute cause you all are donkeys" PMAs

                        Not Supp-ort

                          Just mute all at the first chance. No one knows what they are doing and all have chat wheel. So text won't help anyone


                            ^ this works everytime

                            sin blyadi

                              another 25 mmr means nothing and absolutely nobody in the world cares if u r 5600 or 5625


                                ^Every game is about 50 mmr not 25. Thats a big dofference.
                                And yes im always positive as long as im Not on losing spree.

                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                  Of course I had a positive metnality, because I don't give a damn if I lose or I win. :] I just think to enjoy the game. :]

                                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                                    I always have at the start but if my mood for today is bad, most likely I'm gonna feel that I can easily lose every game.


                                      When you see cancerous attitude u give cancer back to that person and when u see #PMA u stay #PMA as well.


                                        hey guys lets win this game

                                        feeding weaboo

                                          I just kept doing PMA as long as the feeder doesn't blame his shitty fault to people who have nothing to do about it
                                          sometimes I lose temper from those noobs who fed and blames everything to their teammates instead of analyzing the draft and his own mistakes,but otherwise I still go PMA

                                          Eternal Meow

                                            As soon as anybody starts dissing anybody else for anything. I would prefer someone who plays badly to someone who bitches about someone else playing badly the whole game. Usually whoever is bitching the most is also playing the worst anyway so it's a double whammy. It's nearly always the worst player that bitches the most.


                                              Pms> pma at the starting of the game.


                                                you mean Premenstrual syndrome, right?


                                                  ^poor man shield. I always get it on anti mage and jughernaut


                                                    do you have any sense of humour? guess not...




                                                        PMA is for people who dont want to win.