General Discussion

General DiscussionTruth or not?

Truth or not? in General Discussion
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    "Offlane is regularly played only by people who aren't good enough mechanically to play carry/mid yet who can't overcome a pursuit to play a core role"


      Nope but they want to be more useful than a ward bitch


        that's only true if you're NS



          i would argue that offlane is the most difficult role to play.

          Цей коментар був відредагований
          Potato Marshal

            Offlane isn't just about staying alive, a good offlane hero should also be denying and making it hard for the enemy carry to farm.


              Who likes to hit creeps anyway. Doing more with less. That's hard. Unless u r support. Feed all game n still get carried. Worse role. Which is why many captains are in support role so they won't die of boredom and feeling useless all game


                I think offlane is getting more and more important every patch, also more and more impactfull, strong offlanes winning a lot of games, im most of the time in party with one my friend playing lane together we always wanted to be on safelane but, lets say sven cm, they would be good on safelane ofc but why not make a that "strong"offlane and let other one take safelane which should be easier for some other players....


                  every position 1-5 is made out of roles and sub roles. so the real question is: which offlane are you talking about?


                    i often win offlane riki and earth spirit with low gpm. thats not mean i cant last hit. because i like play offlane and iam good with that


                      I played sAfelane carry most of my games so I play offlaners that can farm too usually only , I actaully have bigger impact like that since a lot of offlaners will either feed or struggle to farm since they have disadvantaged lane


                        Most retarded shit I've ever read.


                          Wait, i thought this is a "game" topic where the next person tells the above user statement is true or not and then state his own statement for the next person to comment ...


                            Not true at all, you have to know the game pretty well to play solo offlane, and understand the limits of the hero you are playing, and the heroes you're facing. I don't think any role in dota is easy, or sub roles. You need to have a clear understanding of each to do well.


                              Offlane is degenerate nowadays.
                              It used to be about knowing your and enemies' limits.
                              Now it's just talon jungle farmfest 24/7.
                              Pls kill urselves who play voids, beastmasters, tides and timbers and think you're proper offlaners.
                              Put any pub "offlaner" of these days into offlane 2 years ago and they will be fucking useless and clueless how to do any real impact coming from behind.



                                BIG OUNCE *REAL STREET NI₲₲A

                                  Offlane is the most complex role to play get your shit straight.


                                    that is a stupid statement, you're saying you'd rather play an inefficient risky scenario 1v3 rather than take the smartest move and farm a side camp till the supports are gone.

                                    adding difficulty to something doesn't make it better, the old 1v3 method was made for previous offlaners who'd work on a single item at best. like a support

                                    today the offlaners are WAAAY greedier, making up for the extra farm they get with iron talon.

                                    when you really look at it, the scaling didn't change. old ones could do a lot in that meta with only 1 item, the current ones need more items to do the same in the current meta.

                                    if it were super easy it'd be over powered, but the rest of the meta adapted

                                    so you're wrong, only thing that really changed is the difficulty.

                                    so here would be an example:

                                    OLD: you're the offlaner and you'd have 1 core item, the enemy would have 2

                                    NEW: in the current meta, you have 2 core items and the enemy has 4.

                                    sure offlaners get more, but so do their enemies because they leave the carry to freefarm and supports to freely roam.

                                    the scaling is still the same

                                    Цей коментар був відредагований
                                    Johnny Rico

                                      Nope, all offlaners are important to the team, they have a game changing skill, or they are good at disrupting the enemy at the teamfights, so your core can do more dmg and you can win the game.
                                      Lanning is only the earliest stage it doesnt matter that much, some heros just need xp to be effective, and if they need farm they can farm the hard camp, since most offlaner are tankier than a normal carry and have the sustain to be on a hard lane.


                                        I remember back in the day when Void was also played in the offlane, only needed a maelstrom to get shit done if the void was good.


                                          I'm not saying I'd rather play that way now as it's proven to be more efficient to farm jungle nowadays. I'm just saying that the skill it takes to "play offlane decently" is a different one and a degenerate one, easier to perform. And we're still talking about pub offlaners as in OP.
                                          And the tide, void, beastmaster of the past were all a million times harder to even begin playing. And I'm not even talking about the removal of ranged offlaners by adding iron talon and a camp nearby. Melee cucks will defend this.


                                            hell no it takes skill to kill suport and harras carry


                                              I once played supportish solo offlane Traxex, died a couple times, but in the end managed to win the match

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                offlane is where the guy who wanted to pick a carry but someone else picked safe lane already goes when he doesn't feel like jungling or that is picked too, so he offlanes void/pa/doom/wk something and tried to carry with it


                                                  All roles are important tbh, an offlanes job is to get as much exp and to rotate when possible, ofcourse try to atleast fuck the enemy safelane


                                                    Talon is a good thing for Dota, without it only about 5 heroes are viable for offlane because anything that needs money will just be zoned and be useless for the rest of the game. Right now it is a bit overtuned for a few heroes (Beastmaster especially), but overall it improved the diversity and strategy of the game a lot.

                                                    Another thing people forget about talon offlaners is that if you cede offlane totally you are basically giving 100% freefarm to their carry and allowing their supports to do whatever they want. Most really good offlaners know when it is smart to contest the lane at the expense of your own gpm vs sacrificing it to talon the hard camp which is a skill I think people never talk about.