General Discussion

General DiscussionPuck !?

Puck !? in General Discussion

    What happened to this hero ? I had totally forgotten that she even existed ! I don't recall any memorable picks of her in TI . Has she fallen too much out of the meta ? What kind of buff might she need ? Thoughts ?

    Pablo, a Beautiful Mexican

      Still picked occasionally in pro games, I think it just got picked in WCA's Vega - Escape series. She's good but just less FotM opposed to Mirana/Timber. Also, Raindrops made it really hard to get solo pick-offs with Puck, Im still wondering why they aint nerfed yet.

      Цей коментар був відредагований
      Coffee Bean~

        ult doesn't go thru bkb unless aghs...
        doesn't scale that good late game...
        void is in the meta...
        not that good ult in terms of CC(some CC ults are better e.g. blackhole, chrono )
        too squishy

        Цей коментар був відредагований

          Heroes generally have become more fat (+50 base hp and 20 hp per str point). U just buy raindrop and dont feel puck's existence. Her nukes arent so strong. After 30 min u dont deal dmg on puck. On pro-scene noone picks support-mid heroes (magnus, puck) Cuz its hard to win having only 1 core


            why dont drow lineups take this over void

            casual gamer

              she doesnt scale and is marginalized by raindrop

              if you get past 30 min with puck u lose usually too i think


                Sumail was on my team once and got 24 kills with Puck with absolutely no help from the team and he was against 7k players. You just can't let yourself get out farmed. If that happens enemy gets bkb and shit and u die

                Dire Wolf

                  well even in 3k pubs cus she scales like complete garbage she is bad. You need a scaling mid or one who controls tempo better like magnus who's ult goes through bkb and can buff the carry late. Puck late does practically nothing. Qop has similar issues, really needs to snowball.