General Discussion

General DiscussionSF euls

SF euls in General Discussion

    Why do so many Players on 4k have such a negative attitude when it comes to blink euls sf?

    I freaking love the build, it gives you ez solokill potential and you farm very fast with the high mana regen from euls + aquila and the movement Speed comes in handy all the time.
    Yes you wont get hp or armor but it's still playable.


      because arteezy doesn't do that anymore


        Wasn't Suma1l the first one to do this?


          its too easy to fuck up with this build, and if you do not manage to do a lot early on with euls, u wont have any impact till the end of the game and gonna drag ur team down. 4ks now 4k players suck and in most cases cant execute this kind of risky builds.

          Professor Dog

            Pretty sure most people just have a negative attitude to sf in general which is justifiable


              Euls mana cost was increased by 150. Razes mana cost was increased, too. Not enough mana to farm and kill anymore. That's why the build sucks.

              Execute Order 322

                ^ U have no blue star, aren't u a 4k by urself atm?


                  U can always ask your support to make an euls, while going normal build and actually having more impact. Rather than 1 ult combo which u can dodge with bkb.

                  Цей коментар був відредагований
                  doc joferlyn simp


                    We were given the opportunity to win the game 5 times, all five was opened by a successful bkb dagger euls ulti combo onto either tinker or slark (sven too tanky). Instead Void wants to prolong the game to get six slotted as "proof" to his friends that he's pro at carry void. By the time he got six slotted, slark now too tanky for me to burst down, tinker learned his lesson and decided to lurk in the back lines like he shouldve done 40 mins ago against me. Game lost bcuz of void getting reaper'd with aghs, no buyback for 2 and a half minutes.

                    In the end I realized I should've gone full hard carry build with a Butterfly, Manta, and Skadi, rather than trust my teammates and build myself in such a way that they get space to farm.

                    SF built like this should end the game early while all his items have the highest impact + his razes actually do tons of dmg instead of just waveclear. All in all build too unreliable as the enemy can simply turtle their base until they get their advantage back, which is fairly easy to do unless horribly behind.


                      eul minute 8 is imba ....after that i ' usually go skadi ac bkb and if possible butterfly ...euls are good dont listen to 4k retards


                        I did this build in my pubs like 2 times this week and it worked pretty good.


                          because 4ks are fucking apes

                          casual gamer

                            when I watch a 4k build euls sf I know he's going to fuck everything up

                            id rather he just bought bkb bfly skadi crit or some other rightclick shit

                            Professor Dog

                              4ks hating on 4ks. Dota is the only place where people hate on their status rather than others

                              casual gamer

                                if i build euls on sf id fuck it up too im just self-aware

                                casual gamer

                                  guaranteed if they go euls they will blink into the whole enemy team to combo a drow or some shit and get roared


                                    4ks hating on 4ks. Dota is the only place where people hate on their status rather than others

                                    i know this bracked inside out


                                      It's not just 4k. Madara built it once and his team did not like it. Think they lost.

                                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                                        I bet a lot of these haters of 4K are actually 3k.


                                          I played with SF Euls today and he did rly great. He probably was higher mmr than rest of the team but still made me appreciate the build much more.

                                          As SF you don't like to die, and even late-game, Euls+Blink is an almost flawless escape combination. Can even juke Pit of Malice.

                                          casual gamer

                                            filthy nobody hates 4ks more than 4ks

                                            its like when we lose games we enter super cognitive dissonance mode and just think "hmm if only I wasn't stuck with all these fucking retard 4ks"

                                            people will even say "omg gg dazzle retard 4k" and u go look their profile and their mmr is 44xx


                                              I always go for deso,s&y, heart ,bkb,agha