General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is shit carry like Luna strong?

Why is shit carry like Luna strong? in General Discussion

    Doesn't seem like much about her changed.


      shadow demon


        Last time I remember she got slight buff on her lucent beam
        Also shadow demon and drow strats

        ★ Squatch Crusher ★

          What is shit about her? She puts out tremendous AOE damage with Glaive. And her ult can pick off pretty much anyone solo. Had a 7 game win streak with her the past few days.


            Not exactly shitty but easy to counter (you shouldn't be picking carries first anyway especially situational heroes like luna,PL and shit so whatever)


              she has highest move speed in game, her glaive works as svens cleave (along lines of lifesteal). She can flash farm, lucent beam stuns for a full second i think (or .8 sec i cant remember but it got a significant buff). with satanic triggered and no cc during the duration she will return to full health she has high dmg output with aura to allies early on. If you can have an ogre magi bloodlust a luna she is unstoppable.


                Her ulti is broken and farms way too easy,fast


                  If you go 1 by 1 with her (wih bkb off course) u can win the fight

                  pls be patient very noob ...

                    ^not when she pulls ahead of networth into mid-late game

                    Dire Wolf

                      she's always been pretty good in pubs but squishy, but something about the meta now, it's working. I won 4 luna games in a row, sure I just jinxed it by saying that. But no one is pressuring my lane or my farm really, except one game we had to come from behind and even they backed off at minute 30 and let us farm. I think she's not that hard to counter, rush bkb, don't let her farm, but in pubs no one does that.

                      Dire Wolf

                        set my personal record for hero dmg, tower dmg and tower dmg per second. This hero feels ridiculous right now actually, and last game I even had the shittiest lane with bb vs me and a venge ie no range or way to harass him much, he quills us to death. I think I had 25 cs at 10 mins.

                        The key I think is dragon lance, it allows her to fight almost like a normal ranged hero which is huge when going toe to toe with melees and such that would normally shred you. Kite like a mofo with her speed, get some hits in. Dominator of course is core to stack ancients, but dragon lance is so crucial I'm fitting it in before treads even.

                        What I've been doing is starting with 2 tangos, ring of protection, circlet. Brown boots, finish aquila so you can spam beam to keep offlaners away, dominator so you can start stacking asap, dragon lance, finish treads, manta, bkb if needed, butterfly. You can go bkb after yasha before manta too but yasha is so good I wouldn't rush bkb before it. Ideally you can get everything but butterfly by like 20-25 mins and no one can really fight you then.

                        Skill build go beam, 1 point in aura, beam, glaives, beam, ult, beam, max glaives, max aura. I used to always max aura first but a tip from matrice is it really doesn't do that much dmg for luna alone, it's a team ult so you don't need it early. Getting level 4 glaives is crucial for farming, it doubles the glaives. You might even want to skip the last point or two in beam to max glaives first with a 2/4/1/1 build at 8 if you have total free farm and fights aren't breaking out.

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          Skill build go beam

                          thank god it was the first thing i saw so i didn't have to read the whole thing to conclude that the author has 0 idea about the hero xD


                            Because her ultimate got buffed stupidly so she's strong in pub games.

                            Master Lew

                              just use bkb and blademail against her

                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                @dannyboi i thought you needed octarine to lifesteal off of glaives? i can't be bothered to set up a lobby - are you sure you're right?


                                  "Deals a total of 165%/207%/235%/272% physical damage, assuming max bounces per level."

                                  Getting level 4 in glaives actually is not as important as it seems(still a significant boost, though). The last bounces deal pretty low damage and it's quite ok to go aura early with 2 points in glaive maybe, but personally I like the max-glaives-at-10 build more, too.

                                  If we measured how much points in glaive boosts flash-farming speed(ignoring some factors such as time between bounces and etc) the numbers would be 65&/24%/13%/15%. The last 2 points give about as much boost as putting skill points in jugger's crits, which is often OK not to do in favour of healing ward of stats.


                                    if you use bkb against her, any ally without a bkb will get extra lucent beam strikes from her ulti so great to save you but sad times for your supports :)


                                      @mi respekt
                                      Isn't beam the first thing you should max because it synergizes with your ulti and best taken early because doesn't scale? Glaive can be prioritized if you have a shitty lane and want to jungle tho

                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                        u never skill beam at lvl 1, it's complete garbage
                                        maxing beam is ok and is what u should do in most games

                                        saving private RTZ

                                          she's got like the weirdest timings ever. She has a good laning stage and early game then midgame she falls off completely if she's not farming and then lategame she's a monster again


                                            it's more that aura is better than beam for the first skill point generally speaking


                                              What happened with Aghanim into E-Blade kind of Luna?


                                                She can early-fight in push-strategies.They only strong thing she has is ulti .She is ultra weak against normal carries (sven, ls, jug etc)

                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                  If she is strong, she is not shit.


                                                    She is not strong. She fits strategies. That's all. She cant stand manfighint any other carry in the game (having same networthes). 2\4 skills are very questionable

                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                      Wow a hero can't manfight. Troll and Ursa must be the best heroes in this game then.


                                                        She cannot rely on hero autoattack unless she attacking supports or has big gold advantage. She's got no carry abilities

                                                        saving private RTZ

                                                          so Moon glaives and Lunar blessing are no carry steroids? smh


                                                            38 dmg is exactly what u need to kill a rival. I'd say that this dps is op
                                                            Definetely not

                                                            saving private RTZ

                                                              moon glaives u fucking idiot


                                                                Luna is only good in the right hands.

                                                                Aka my hands. (source : )

                                                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                  Senseless sven's cleave parody. For farm only. Barely deals damage. Cant even destroy phantom lancer's face (its supposed to do it or what)


                                                                    Dotabuff says quite a funny thing about your hands

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                                                                      That's what you do as luna when you have significant gold advantage at 20 minutes(which you do almost always), you manfight their BKB troll 1-on-1 instead of killing their barracks as a team while they can't do shit to protect it.


                                                                        Also 3.3 agi and 2.2 strength gain do make significant difference later.


                                                                          Good early damage to last hit, natural flashfarming passive, highest move speed in game (or close), huge aoe damage in teamfights, great sieging, all these things make her a good carry, if you also count the interaction with SD in this meta + the agi buffs she has received in past patches + butterfly buff, shes a carry that scales extremely well with items, and has the tools to get those items pretty quickly.

                                                                          pls be patient very noob ...

                                                                            Senseless sven's cleave parody. For farm only. Barely deals damage.

                                                                            Glaives makes up like 2/3 of her total damage dealt in teamfights most of the time, what are you talking abt?



                                                                              that's because I didn't leave a space between the url and the )

                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                Guiri that's kind of funny seeing as you've only played luna three times in last two years lol.

                                                                                Ok so aura point first over beam? The range on beam is so ridiculously long though, plus the mini stun, you don't think it helps get first blood at runes? If you don't have a bunch of other ranged heroes that is.

                                                                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                  90 mana cost at level 1 for 75 damage and small stun. Not to mention that you give up chance on perfect cs ability for the first two waves. you shouldn't really be spamming it until level 3 (and aquila helps). She has low AF base int.


                                                                                    I meant level 3 for the hero and having level 2 lucent beam to spam it for harassing.



                                                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                        aura contributes 247248283782938 times better to fbs and min 0 skirmishes than a fucking lvl 1 beam
                                                                                        even lvl 2 beam is pretty bad, tho u may have to spam it in some lanes anyway

                                                                                        Mao Xina

                                                                                          I am pretty sure luna can win heroes like sven ls and jug if she got same networth.
                                                                                          Luna at late game is a scary nightmare for every team.
                                                                                          only heroes like morph spectre and slark can match up with her at late game.

                                                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                                            ok I'll try aura first point and maxing beam after.

                                                                                            Would there ever be a case to skip ult to get a 4/4/1/0 build at 9, then ult at 10? A lot of times I don't find a lot of fights until around then anyway. But I guess risking that probably isn't worth it since you can tp to a tower dive and get like 3 free kills with ult sometimes.

                                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                                              She definitely out damages jugger late. Jug scales pretty well into late but his real value late game I think is the crazy 1.4 BAT so he can bash you to death with abyssal so hard. His single target burst is amazing.

                                                                                              Sven though with god's strength up still does a lot more dmg than luna I am pretty sure, but it's close. Sven and jug are burst heroes though, luna is not. Glavies can't crit and thus luna almost never builds crit, she doesn't have one or two shot burst like those heroes but does massive amounts of dmg vs entire team.

                                                                                              But sven gets kited fairly. Luna with hurricane pike is very hard to kite. If you force staff and ghost scepter sven is kind of screwed. If you force staff vs luna she has range and if you ghost scepter her ult kills you.

                                                                                              Mbeju Volador

                                                                                                kapparino :v