General Discussion

General Discussionshadow blade on axe

shadow blade on axe in General Discussion

    Is shadow blade a good item for axe instead of blink dagger??


      instead? no

      alongside? maybe


        intiations need to be made in places enemy has vision, a sentry or a tower would fuck you over


          Owh ok tq guys


            Your initiation is instant with dagger call
            Why fuck it over by getting shat on by detection?
            It's not like you're faceless void,sven or SF with long cast time skills


              Dagger AND sb is ok sometimes tho


                Axe's call is not supposed to be surgical as f.e. magnus' RP or etc to buy shadow blade. Secondly u need items to tank dmg (pipe, vg, shiva, blademail) and u dont need autoattack dps. If we r talking about alongside items, force staff is much better for Axe than SB


                  What happens if Axe uses Call and goes invis?


                    ^they walk to axes last known location


                      If Axe turns invisible during the taunt, affected enemies start attacking the next closest enemy to them.
                      If no enemies are nearby, affected units stand still. While standing still, they can be given one order which they then execute. This order cannot be manually canceled.
                      This can be any order, including casting of an ability or item, or a move or attack order.
                      After that order, the unit cannot do anything and stands still until the taunt expires. However, if Axe turns visible again, affected units start attacking him again.