General Discussion

General DiscussionNew Aghs on Void viable in pubs?

New Aghs on Void viable in pubs? in General Discussion
Fox McCloud

    With the recent Aghs tweak to Void its upgrade no longer increases Chrono duration. It still does, however, cut its 2 minute cooldown into 60 seconds.

    Now, what I'm experiencing in pubs is that solo kill Chronospheres are needed way too often. That's how you snowball your team. 5 on 5 engagements happen significantly fewer than the average pro game.

    So is Aghs void good? I'm talking about guaranteeing a pickoff every minute and still have Chrono ready for the following teamfight. 4k mmr bracket.

    Fox McCloud

      Oh and it was this guide

      that got me curious. The guy rushed vlads-echo sabre into Aghs as your first big item, following it up with orchid to sustain mana (for spamming 60 second cd Chronos and all.)

      Personally, if i would keep the Aghs purchase i would've gotten diffusal instead of echo sabre to purge off silences. Probably Manta as well instead of orchid.

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        If you have damage already from outside chrono, a manta to deal with silence and dagger for positioning then it is a decent item on a utility/offlane void. If you are position 1 void stay away from this item as it isn't as good as it once was.

        Fox McCloud

          Yea i was definitely thinking offlane void.

          What do you think of buying aghs before all those items? (The dotafire link)


            Since it no longer gives you an extra second of chrono duration I think other items take priority. Especially on a utility/offlane void you really need dagger for landing decent chronos as you will lack damage compared to position 1 void and therefore you need good chronos for your allies to follow up. If they have no silences/aren't building any you can get agha before manta but in any game where they have silences you need an item to deal with them or else you will be targeted and killed at the beginning before you can cast anything rendering a sceptre useless. After covering your weaknesses you can then go ahead and improve your strengths with agha/other shit as necessary.

            casual gamer

              good players react to this item by grouping as 5 so you cant get a pickoff every 60s

              its ok if ur playing against bads or u have some kinda chronosphere pickoff combo or win teamfights anyway or are a utility void

              曹操 99091656

                Hey I've been playing FV quite alot recently and i my opinion its very situational. My core item build is pretty much always thesame with Vlads>Manta>Diffusal Blade being top priority because with these 3 items you can pretty much kill the main target in the chronosphere (Most of the time being the enemy mid or carry) Even if they are relatively fat since the damage output inside the chrono with your manta illus and bash is very strong as it is. Most of the time i get BKB right after the 3 core items just to ensure i can kill priority targets during my chrono. With agha though the 60 min cooldown in the late game when the game is at a very delicate state (You can win or lose in a blink of an eye) you can pick off the enemy carry or any out of place enemy heroes and by the time they revive its already up and ready for use once again. Aghanims is good if you have advantage, or if the enemy cant kill you despite the FV not having BKB. Just remember with the price of the Aghanims you can buy yourself a BKB.


                  Just look at your teammates and figure out if you will have to deal all the damage in the chrono or if your team has aoe spells or ranged carries, in case you dont need to do the dps you should get blink aghs so you provide insane initiation, I even get refresher after the aghs sometimes, unless I need some silence purge or whatever.

                  This is an example of a game where you're needed for initiation more than damage:

                  peruvian tilt machine

                    There are, generally speaking, two ways to play void. You can be a damage dealing carry who requires a good chunk of farm, or you can be a utility offlaner who prioritizes landing good chronos.

                    If you have a strong 1 position, don't play damage void. Your main focus is now hitting good chronos so that your carries can go ham.

                    Carry Build - (this is all what I build, take it with a grain of salt if you want to)
                    Starting - stout tangoes and quelling
                    Early - Brown boots vanguard (if the lane is hard definitely get the ring of health before boots, if not just get boots)
                    Core/Mid - Treads, Diffusal, Echo Sabre, Manta, BKB. Diffusal is amazing against silences and provides +25 damage, +25 AS, and +25 manaburn (before reductions). This makes it almost as good as deso but not a UAM and for the same price. Sabre is just really good for mana, etc. Manta is good for stats and illusions work in chrono, so just go ham. BKB and manta together reduce your risk of dying by a lot. If you want get vlads, I prefer to let the 3 get it if it fits but it doesn't really matter
                    Late/Situational/Luxury - Skadi, AC, Moon Shard, Aghanim's (if you need the stats but I prefer Skadi) BoTs, Mjollnir

                    Utility Build (I rarely play this, but go for it)
                    Starting - PMS, Tangoes
                    Early - Basi, Treads, Blink
                    Core - Vlad's, Aghanim's, Manta, Orchid
                    The great part about this build is that you can transition into late game, just build any of the items listed in the carry build here. You also only need blink and vlads in order to be contributing in teamfights, and if you have the option available you can skip orchid and get diffusal. The reason i recommend manta is so that silences don't absolutely decimate your ability to be useful in teamfights. (Of course, if you constantly chrono your allies, you must not be very helpful in teamfights anyways)

                    Anyways, void's flexible blah blah blah im 6k and i have a 300% WR with the hero so you have to listen to my advice kappapride

                    Dire Wolf

                      wait what? oh shit you are referring to stuff 5 months ago I was confused and started googling patch notes.