General Discussion

General DiscussionTimber is just ridiculous

Timber is just ridiculous in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Timber offlane, what do you pick to counter him? With a stout shield and a couple points in armor he regens like 50-80% of any harras attacks, it's ridiculous. You can't push him out of lane at all and he can just run at you and force you back.

    So big nukes? Harass spells that don't trigger armor? Skywrath? Burst dmg to kill him? Ignore him and just try to cs? He doesn't do much dmg unless you stand by trees but he'll outlast you in lane having that regen if you don't have anything.


      idk i havent given a fuck about that hero for almost 2 months now
      but yeah, magic damage or zone him out of xp range lvl 1


        any heroes that deal magical damage (sky, wd), drain mana (lion, kotl), disable for a long period of time (again lipn, rhasta, str morph LUL), or do a lot of physical damage in a short while (clinkz). besides that, luna and viper are generally very strong as well.


          or just get a fucking supp duo with any heroes and keep him lvl1 5 min into the game


            Lich,lion,kotl,Rubic,Phoenix,vengeance,es,es,pugna or any nuke sup heroes

            But.. Need to trilane I think to be effective.. And depend what is the carry..

            For my experience even strong presence sup like lich will have a hard time if the carry is spec against timbersaw


              ^sir triplesteal already explained very well..

              Just try to practice that in game mate..

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                I think OD could work.


                  the good part about having an od is that timbersaw's laning is fucked, the bad part is that, well, you have an od.

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                  Johnny Rico

                    Keeper of the kappa, just mana leak nonstop, dont try to harass him, just last hit, magic dmg is good against him, wd maledict wrecks him.

                    Dire Wolf

                      Well I was on medusa with a witch dr and we still couldn't kill him. I probably messed up trying to harass too much and let him regen instead of just getting cs, but he would just walk up to me and I'd have to run back or lose all my mana with shield. Only time I could hurt him was with snake. We killed him easily once wd was 6 though.


                        duza is among 5 strongest heroes to solo lane against timbersaw; u dont even need anyone. just max ur snake.


                          You gotta punish him when he's level 1 or 2. After that he probably wont die or even care about your harass.
                          As medusa have your supports try zone him early. The moment he manages to get lvl 3 tell your support to leave the lane and never come back (unless its to save you from a gank). You want to be the same level as him at worst and having your supports stick around will just let him get ahead. Once you have level 2 snake you should spam it. It probably wont force him out of lane but it will take enough mana to stop him going on you. With level 3 snake you can literally zone him out. If hes standing in creeps getting reactive stacks its easy to hit him with snake. If hes not standing in creeps its easy to just scare him away because he doesn't have his regen then. Never autoattack him. Just use snake.

                          Potato Marshal

                            I've had the best luck with Silencer, a point in glaives just eats through Timber at level 1 before he gets a lot (if any) points in reactive armor. Silences in general render Timber useless and you can easily build multiple stack curses on him as well. Practically every single one of Silencer's abilities counters Timber.

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                            green brocolli

                              That hero is kinda broken in 4k bracket most likely you lose lane when retard supports are pulling


                                Who cares about Timber now that there is Sand King?


                                  Try Juggernaut

                                  Fee Too Pee

                                    Silencer 1 point glaive and max arcane curse as safe lane support make him cry. No need trilane and timber will be underfarmed and useless




                                      Anti mage










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                                        Ursa or Ls + Kotl,

                                        he wont even get close, cos its a suicide


                                          @Triplesteal, od is actually quite strong against morphling, so not that bad in that day and age

                                          Hatsune Miku

                                            sniper is the counter to this metal brain

                                            Fee Too Pee

                                              Ho ho ha ha actually not that bad with 50 winrate actually a legit mid


                                                timber can be shut down extremely easily, however, if your team doesnt have a counter to him then gg you are fucked, but silencer is usually my go to for most solo offlanes, like timber. zone him out and he will be useless


                                                  @double dose
                                                  undying is super weak against timbersaw, and there is no specific interaction of the hero with pudge, drow, phoenix, and lich (well this last one kinda sucks, actually, but not as hard as undy).

                                                  i just havent seen much od-morph matchups recently (id say i havent seen any, but im not 100% confident)



                                                    Decay.. makes timber less and less tank.

                                                    Tombstone.. timber has terrible attack speed .


                                                      undying has low mobility, str as main attribute, and tombstone as his main strength - timbersaw doesnt care about it; not to mention that dirge doesnt lane at safe unless he wants to purposely lose the game. decay doesnt matter much either, cz its only useful when u can stack decays, and u cant quite do it against timbersaw cz he either alrdy killed u or already escaped after the first one.

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