General Discussion

General DiscussionTips for Chaos Knight?

Tips for Chaos Knight? in General Discussion
Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    When I watch professional players I notice that a single magic stick is enough to sustain his mana hungry skills so I tried it in this game,

    It sure give a boost of mana in an instant but I notice its not enough. So I buy Echo Sabre for the INT increase and mana regen.

    His mana pool early game is very bad. Can someone give me a hint or technique about playing Chaos Knight? Especially conserving (or correct usage) of his skills?

    P.S. I buy an early vanguard to endure Clinkz nonstop Searing Arrows.


      Mybe drumms and wand work.. idk

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      Potato Marshal

        Don't go drums, go for echo sabre instead. Armlet is always core, CK is an illusion hero with full damage illusions so get strength items, heart is almost always core on CK. Skadi, manta, bkb are also good late game choices. Also max rift over bolt, cooldown goes down to 6 seconds, allowing you to rift > hit > bolt > rift > hit, killing most enemy heroes as long as you have a support with you and the enemy doesn't have some kind of escape.

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          Do never buy drums on ck. Since the update its deep shit (6 str, 3 agi). Soul ring is an amazing choice for him. Cheap and high efficiency. Sabre may be a good choice but rushing manta is still very necessary so u can skip sabre as it doesnt buff ur illusions in terms of attackspeed

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            U r incorrect about maxing rift. Being a lucky ass u can get free primal roar (4 sec stun) so maxing 1 is priority


              its enought with sticka cause your team need to bottle u or arcane boots u thats not your business your business i a to get armlet manta bkb ac etc .....
              and ck is very situational pick dont reccomend to spamm him

              Potato Marshal

                A rift every 6 seconds with 180 bonus damage is a lot better than increasing the average stun duration for half a second.

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                Dire Wolf

                  Echo sabre seems weird on him since his illusions don't get extra attacks but it is actually quite good. Old drum was pretty good on him and compared to old drum it's better stats and only 850g more. It's also pretty good for farming since CK sucks at farming and you won't have illusions up then anyway.

                  Idk if armlet is always required, it's certainly good, he just has no way to sustain the hp loss before heart, but I guess you could get a dominator and turn it into a satanic later. Make sure armlet is fully applied before popping your ult though, as I'm fairly certain the illusions get their stats when they spawn and they don't change.

                  Manta or even s&y are really good cus the attack speed affects illusions, yasha items are the only attack speed ones that do, and the move speed will speed up your farm a lot.

                  AC can also be good on him, it doesn't affect the illusions directly but the -armor debuff aura means they'll hit very hard. And don't neglect bkb just cus ur an illusion hero.


                    6 sec is too much to spam rift


                      U buy sabre to slow the rifted enemy in the crowd of illusions, mp and 10 str. Thats the reason

                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                        Max Bolt, not Rift.

                        PT Wand Armlet Drums SnY

                        HoT BKB EoS AC Satanic (more HoTs)

                        Dune, the Desert Planet
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                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                            Just toggle PT.

                            And Butterfly is really good.


                              echo-saber is good choice on him. drums is shit. ur paying too much for intelligence in drums, the double hit from saber really benefits ck plus the ogre club

                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                maxing w is way better than maxing q imo
                                but with void and timber being the best offlaners now mb u should go with q

                                  Цей коментар був видалений модератором

                                    Soul ring into armlet is good enough. Wand if you're against a spam happy hero(bat..etc)

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      CK doesn't suck at all, the problem is he has 3-4 really big counters people are very aware of and love to play.

                                      Earthshaker, nuff said, this guy is always insta locked the moment you pick CK. He's a popular hero even when CK isn't present.

                                      Ember, has dropped in popularity but still common enough to get counter picked.

                                      Lion, always a popular support, will eliminate your illusions with drain.

                                      Sandking, once he gets aghs can hurt you bad, not as hard a counter, not picked as much.


                                        ^ You expect Lion to survive until he drains/hexes away CK's 8 illusions one by one?

                                        Potato Marshal

                                          I'm not sure how you're counting 8 illusions, unless CK gets lucky with a level 3 ult and gets 4 illusions, then mantas for another 2, and then runes to get another 2. Either way, Lion is not really a counter against CK.


                                            Sven is still ok in the meta. Invo is a headache for ck too


                                              Raindrops are good on any strength hero with a small mana pool.


                                                Oh yeah, my bad, wasn't counting right lol.

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  sure he is, lvl 1 ult spawns 1 illusions, half the time 2. Lion can kill one of those instantly. Not everything is about lvl 25 team fights.


                                                    To be fair, if CK initiates on Lion with his ulti popped, the Reality Rift is very likely to instagib him.

                                                    Fee Too Pee

                                                      Try vladimir + wand. See my ck games. In my experience sustain all ur problem in farming ( mana sustain and health sustain), ready you up for early fight (ck farm heroes). Let you farm ancient. Off course armlet first before vladimir

                                                      playinginursockdrawer mm soc

                                                        My friend and I like to go bottle because it gives you sustain after the fight.

                                                        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                          I think valve need to rescale Chaos Knight mana cost of his Phantasm.

                                                          Currently, the mana cost of that skill is 125/200/275. It's too much. I remember during that game that when I use thay skill, one Rift and Chaos Bolt already at zero mana. The low cd stun and rift is useless without enough mana.

                                                          Remember the 6.80 Windranger? They adjust the mana cost of his Focus Fire from 200/300/400 to 150 to all level (and she is an INT). And at 6.81b, the mana cost reduce again from 150 to 75/100/125!

                                                          The next time I play CK, I think I'll go for Arcane Boots then go for Octarine? Like a Naga build?

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                                                          Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                            Aye, mana is the biggest problem for CK so it's not insane to get Arcane Boots. One Arcane Boots and all your mana issues are solved (Naga's core item as well) but that's only if your team wanna gank a lot or else just do your part as a hard carry and lane 15+ minutes only zone out the lane opponent then supports comes and Arcane. I don't think you should go Echo Sabre for mana because the low INT gain doesn't help mana regen. Would rather use that gold to get an early SnY which can be disassemble to make Manta Style and Heaven's Halberd.
                                                            If games go well for CK early game, you might probably wreck barracks and end game before you even get an Octarine Core.
                                                            Naga gets Octarine core because of the long duration and decent CD of illusions, therefore she can spam and split push with Radiance. CK's illusions are set as Ulti with 100 percent damage, it is rather a much decisive Do-Or-Die move to win wars and push towers.
                                                            And one last thing is... I don't even fucking main CK, lel just theorycrafted on him a few times and gave up 'cause playing hard carries in pub is no fun.