General Discussion

General DiscussionUnbalanced Average MMR teams (on Ranked)

Unbalanced Average MMR teams (on Ranked) in General Discussion
Hanamichi Sakuragi

    I had two 2.3k mmr, me (3.2k mmr), one 3.4k mmr, and another 3.2k mmr.= 2879 avg mmr on my team
    Now the enemy had three 3k mmr, one 1.8k mmr, and one 3.5k mmr.= 2863 avg mmr on their team
    You can definitely guess the 1.8k mmr on the enemy side just by checking his items.
    What happened here is:
    On my team: Tidehunter and NP jungle the 2.3k mmr, Tidehunter doesn't want to lane and builds VG as first item instead of dagger.
    Tidehunter maxed 1st and 2nd skill even though he is already jungling.
    Solo drow (me) against NS and Mirana and even WD is roaming always at bottom to gank me and ruin Tidehunter and NP's jungle.
    After 5 deaths on lane I intentionally feeded and throwed.

    Ця тема була відредагована

      The overall is the same, reason you get 1k+3k is cus its a party, both teams get a party.

      I had a game about 5.x avg, both teams had a party 5.5 avg

      Except my teams party had 6 and 7k solos while theirs had 5ks

      Aaaand the catch is, i had to solo support and solo set up the game for 4 high mmr idiots who all picked carry

      Enemy had a proper lineup

      Long story short, both teams got it gay

      inst:  MissMissclick

        yeah i know what u mean, though i never experienced such big gap in mmr ( i can imagine those games would suck so bad). i had a really strange game where instantly i know it was a party game. and the game felt super weird. no one in my team was playing properly, then the other team played so extremely well. really unbalanced stuff although average mmr is the same. combining party mmr with solo mmr is something i dont understand. one guy can be 3.5k party mmr, so he is matched with us, but his solo is 4.4k. so really bad games all in all if u mix party with solo.

        Цей коментар був відредагований
        Hanamichi Sakuragi

          Still, why would there be such a shitty matchup like this? This game gave me a mindfuck and caused me to lose 3 straight games.
          I'd rather wait 1 hr than this shitfest, still though, was there a way for me to win that match Cookie sama? Or is there anyway to avoid this kind of matchups again?


            Nope unless u can predict the future you cant avoid this shit

            inst:  MissMissclick

              u r not the only guy who feels this is shit. believe me, tons of ppl have complained about this to valve. but they couldnt remove it or else the party matchmaking pool would be too small. its just luck sometimes