General Discussion

General DiscussionWitcher 3 is one sick ass game

Witcher 3 is one sick ass game in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    Last time i invested this much time modding and optimizing a game was when crysis was released. I am very happy with the final result :)


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      I prefer the book.


        I prefer your mum.


          Mods, delete this thread pls. It's completely unrelated to Dota.

          kvasius # KSVM

            little PSA: I didnt find a rule that prohibits non-dota related content.

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              We have a freedom to post anything we want. USA! USA! USA!

              Giff me Wingman

                If that shit was the case then R.I.P 40% of the threads LuL


                  Girls go crazy with that game

                  Johnny Rico

                    Too bad novigrad kills my pc.
                    Played teh whole game on minimum, novigrad crashed each 10 minutes for me.
                    Downgrade the game to ultra-hiper-low (running 800x600) novigrad still kills my pc after 10 minutes of gameplay, or if i tab out of the game, it just crashes the whole machine, probably is the CPU, since its very old.

                    Lahai Roi

                      Sick ass game if gameplay isn't important to you. Witcher 3 is best played with the difficulty on lowest. The only things of value are the main story and the graphics.

                      If you sarcastically enjoyed Witcher 3 gameplay, I have you in the 'stupid casual' section of my mind.

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                          game was ass, waste of money. It looks nice but the gameplay is the most garbage shit they could have brought. wish i could get a refund


                            I got it just waiting till I have a long holiday so I can get some grinding done. Probably around Christmas time. Actually haven't had a holiday all year far even though we are half way through September hahahahaha kill me.


                              What are u talking about. Witcher is one of the best rpgs ever made, if not the best. Story is as interesting as it used to be in Baldurs Gate 2 or Fallout 2. Did u even play the game? It has average rating of 9.5/10. Only those two games mentioned above ever received such ratings.

                              Only total retards can say its a waste of money since every dlc is like a new game, for like 15 dollars? And the story? Its super interesting, especially blood and wine dlc with vampires background.

                              Besides this game was made in freakin Poland. If it wasnt good enough no one would ever hear of it.

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                                Blunt how to get 4k mmr pls help!!


                                  The comments here about "great graphics bad gameplay" reminds me of assassin creed black flag. Game looked and felt amazing. Combat was boring and repetitive as fuck


                                    great game runs smooth maxed out @ 50-55 fps 1080p but i got bored after 10 hrs of total gameplay and i stopped playin..

                                    go try Doom if ur pc can hanndle it!! just got cracked by cpy a few days ago! awesome fps if u ask me...

                                    also preorder battlefield 1


                                    D the Superior
                                      Цей коментар був видалений модератором

                                        I tried doom but it felt boring af whole time I played prob ~2hrs then deleted xd

                                        Giff me Wingman

                                          Yes i agree, the actual gameplay is not very special, but that's not the point of the witcher. The witcher is more of an experience, than a standard game. When we look at actual gameplay and mechanics, the game is way more standard than anything, but the graphics, events, cinematic and storytelling make the witcher more of an experience. The concept is pretty much like mass effect.

                                          @Hook And Roll:
                                          Davai ur specs, i might be able to help you. I did quite some optimizations as you can see on the vid, went from 30-40FPS to 80 at times.

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