General Discussion

General Discussionany tips on maintaining creep equilibrium?

any tips on maintaining creep equilibrium? in General Discussion

    i know the spot where the creeps should be, and that i should almost always let the ranged creep go first. i also know that clicking on a hero draws creep aggro, and this is especially useful if i have 2 ranged creeps. i also know about the 2.5s creep aggro rule.

    but still even tho i know all of this i still cant use it effectively. what am i missing here? is it because i just recently tried to apply the mechanic that i still havent found ways to practically use it for myself in my games or is it something else entirely

    casual gamer

      if the lane is pushed up you need to pull

      its especially important to deny ur ranged creeps, they give double xp


        if ur offlane u should let the ranged creep go first. if ur safe lane letting ur ranged die first will cause the lane to go into tower and if ur dumbass support also pulls for no good reason ur now tanking 2 waves under your tower.

        as safe lane i assume the enemy offlaner is going to let the ranged creep go first so i prioritise tanking the enemy ranged creep (so that the melees catch up) over getting a good block, because I know my supports wont. if you get a good block but the enemy ranged creep dies first, the lane is going to push to the enemy tower and the offlaner multiple creep waves of XP. if the creep wave is even, you can pull it back towards your tower by aggressively denying (i.e. hitting creeps as soon as they reach 50% rather than only when you can deny XP), and all he gets is that one creep wave.

        if the lane is going to push towards the enemy tower - u can tell if this is going to happen if you have more ranged creeps than the enemy wave, pull enemy creeps onto ur ranged creep. it's probably not going to completely stop the lane pushing but it'll slow it down. don't wait for the creep wave to die to realise it's going to push cos then it's already too late.

        same for the other way around. if you foresee the wave already going into your tower, you should have already been auto attacking the enemy creeps. this way u tank less creep damage.

        also when the catapults come, hide in the trees so that the enemy creeps aggro onto your catapult instead of you - catapults have lowest aggro priority so creeps aggro onto you instead if they see you. if your catapult is dead and theirs isn't, it's really easy to keep the lane near your tower cos every enemy wave is going to also have a catapult doing dmg.


          well i forgot to mention that this is mostly mid creep equilibrium im asking about (and getting better cs than the enemy)

          Mode adiman

            Sometimes when enemy midlaner is on highground (no vision of him) you can draw aggro by clicking on any other enemy hero elsewhere in the map.


              OH THAT

              THANKS A LOT ive been having a lot of trouble with keeping equilibrium when i cant see the opposing mid

              i completely forgot about that