General Discussion

General DiscussionDrow Strat counters for 6.88

Drow Strat counters for 6.88 in General Discussion

    Ok guys i think i need ur help. Lost 2 games vs drow strat (low 4k). Even one game we were leading in kills, it looked like stomp but still we lost in 20 minutes.

    If you see venge drow invoker in enemy team, what would be your answer during draft and how would u execute it? Much appreciated advices for all roles.

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    Dire Wolf

      I'd pick a bunch of in your face semi carries/carries like slardar, lifestealer, sven, tide, spirit breaker, maybe even jug. Your one loss has a treant and tiny on it. Tiny seems good vs drow but in actuality he sucks because the ranged heroes won't proc his craggy exterior and he gets kited badly and his stun doesn't lock down long. Sven is a much better choice, blink onto them, stun, echo sabre = dead drow or invoker. Wtf is treant going to do with a drow team? Just make the towers live a tiny bit longer. Treant is a count to aggressive gankers like bh and spirit breaker, not to drow's push of death.

      You also need better wave clear I think to stop their pushes, like a winter wyvern or lina or something.

      I have no idea what you do in your other loss vs void, drow and tinker, I get cancer just looking at the recap.

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        AA + gankz


          all those listed heroes arent any good except sb, the rest gets owned by gust
          just pick pa get a vanguard by the time drow hits 6 and starts pushing with team, man up on them and its hard to lose


            Omni knight so u can jump the enemy safely

            Storm to initiate

            Am can split push while enemy pushes to try n keep u even in towers. And if drow doesn't end fast am will just out carry.

            Sven with bkb

            Timbersaw can clear waves and tank and deal dmg


              drow's shit at teamfights.

              any 5 manning team with burst will fuck her up

              Dire Wolf

                Bkb sven gets owned by gust? Lifestealer with rage gets owned by gust?

                not arin

                  i think that it depends rather on how you play as a team than heroes

                  but it's good to have lineup that doesn't require 5 people to take down one tower

                  PMS Mantra

                    Gankers and Tankers.

                    Pale Mannie

                      Gape closers


                        ^ and blade mail. Lots of it.

                        master of none

                          Tier 1

                          Tier 2
                          Chaos Knight


                            Blademale is fucking cancer. Why should a 2200 gold item return 100% damage and go through bkb?
                            There should be a limit for the damage return per activation, 300-500 would be ideal for a balanced item.

                            Pale Mannie

                              git gud and get some juicy armor against your own rightclicks


                                or you know just dont attack them. but yeah blademail can be obnooxious


                                  I always ban pa when I wanna play drow. Pa too gAy right now

                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    Sniper, simply outrange her.

                                    "Blademale is fucking cancer. Why should a 2200 gold item return 100% damage and go through bkb?
                                    There should be a limit for the damage return per activation, 300-500 would be ideal for a balanced item."

                                    It is balanced by using mana and being an activatable rather than passive. If you attack a blademailed target and it is not axe or legion, you are retarded and deserve to die.

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                                    Fee Too Pee

                                      I am really serious. The power of drow strat is early game. Pick sniper , he can kite drow , defend well making space for safe lane. And sharpnel for counter push


                                        or just pick lich + 1 wave clearer


                                          Beside the damage reflection, blade mail can save u if the enemy decide not to attack u (usually when u got caught by gust) like 4.5 seconds is enough for ur blink dagger's cd.

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            blademail is only really hard to stop hitting on like windranger and clinkz cus they'll have like 10 arrows in the air when they hit stop lol


                                              i once watched a high 6k match and they countered drow with storm mid and lycan safelane and axe offlane , that storm was really rally good that he get cought only once by gust and he have ageis, the three of them always jumped on drow first and she didint last long.

                                              just my own experiance 2.7-3k i almost always pick lycan vs drow since she cant kite him or slow him and cant really deal with his pack pre agha.

                                                Цей коментар було видалено

                                                  i was once in a game where arc warden literally delayed drow push for 60mins


                                                    Lol pretty sure an AM pick wud be the final nail in the coffin when against a drow strat. I think jungle axe + offlane timber + mid zues + safe lane sniper/lycan + support shaman/wd/AA wud be the best counter strat


                                                      winter as support is ideal against drow push with idiots in ur team who do not want to defend usually. 2nd skill to clear creep wave and ulti some nearby support using first skill n fog for a free kill, it ll definitely slow down their high ground siege and gives enough time for your noob 4k carry to be online past 25 mins


                                                        I would just get chen and push her instead. It worked for me.

                                                        not arin

                                                          the replies on this thread gave me megacancer


                                                            top 8 hero counters for drow on dotabuff:
                                                            1. Broodmother - hard hero to play on decent lvl, not the best this patch, people rage when brood is picked, utterly low win rate.
                                                            2. Phantom Lancer - low win rate, disappeared in this patch somehow
                                                            3. PA - ok this sh!t is legit.
                                                            4. Tusk - utterly low win rate, disappeared in this patch.
                                                            5. Arc Warden - another legitimate hero.
                                                            6. Winter Wyvern - Bad Win Rate again in this meta.
                                                            7. Enchantress - Terrible Win Rate.
                                                            8. Tinker - legit.

                                                            Above heroes just shows that best drow counters are utterly bad this patch with few exceptions although apart PA, both Arc and Tinker are very hard heroes to play on decent level (needs +10-20 games of experience to play ranked).
                                                            Additionally arc and tinker are mid heroes so wont be combined in the same game (mostly).

                                                            It kinda explain why drow is so strong this patch.


                                                              Nobody mentioned antimage? Not the hardest counter but still decent imo
                                                              Gap closing ability, magic resistance against the agh mjolnir build,manta user,and a great pusher


                                                                The issue with antimage is that you die to the 5 man deathball at 15 minutes when you have no items. Once you get past that hill the matchup is fine but I think most of the time you are going to get smashed by the pub train with massive +damage on all ranged heroes.


                                                                  Pick pudge and hook her always :>

                                                                  2k indog monkey

                                                                    Why are we still considering pudge as a hero @_@

                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      I don't think timber is a good pick, no disables, he excels vs melee not ranged, drow does enough dmg to not give a fuck about his reactive armor and she can silence him which is death for timber. I'd actually think drow is a timber counter, not the other way around.


                                                                        Broodmother is a very legit counter, but, well, brood is brood. I had a game where an offlane brood destroyed our trilane with me playing drow. I just asked our timber to switch lanes with me and we still won in 20 minutes.


                                                                          Get Axe Woods with ww sup and Start killing Drow with super early Dagger Vanguard


                                                                            Elder titan

                                                                            PMS Mantra

                                                                              A wild Suicidal Drow Ranger has appeared!