General Discussion

General DiscussionFor Invoker Players: BoT or Aghanim's?

For Invoker Players: BoT or Aghanim's? in General Discussion

    At what point of the game and which deciding factors do you take into account when you buy Boots of Travel First rather than rushing Aghanim's Sceptre on Invoker, and vice-versa, during the early-mid game?


      Travels if theres a lot of space or if they cant end early

      Aghs if you need to fight and defend highground fast

      not arin

        ywn ranked winstreak PogChamp


          Exactly what blue star said


            Thanks for the inputs guys, what about considering buying a eul's sceptre during early-mid game aside from aghs and BoT?


              either u buy euls or drums before bots/aghs

              euls if u need the cyclone for countering spells, example: xmark, silences etc, else you buy drums


                Thanks man. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with playing Invoker since there are a lot of item choices you could pick and early game is quite crucial, and I guess 1 wrong item choice can hold you back.