General Discussion

General DiscussionIs this good for MMR ranked match ?

Is this good for MMR ranked match ? in General Discussion
    hi, sry for my bad english this is my new account play match is this good for 4k or above Ranked match or not any suggestion.. thnx to suggest me


      Nope...Normal Skill.


        can u tell ma too improve my skill sir...


          play on main


            2k is good for that smurf


              You will have a hard time to make that build in 3k let alone 4k..
              The space u get will tighter the higher you go up..

              Just try improve by playing, slowly you will understand what I said..
              And necro is niche pick, there are more better mid and offlaner hero in higher bracket..

              Potato Marshal

                Awful gimmick build, you maxed heartstopper aura first and death pulse last. If the enemy team weren't completely awful they'd just run up to you and slap your shit and there wouldn't be anything you could do except make them lose 20hp per second.


                  what about viper


                    so how to build sir can u tell me in detail sir


                      ohhhhhh radiance necro is so good i didn't expect that

                      but anything is possible in 1k mmr


                        ..................... :(

                        1000 xpm

                          dont buy radiance. u should skill 1 time in heartstopper and max ur first skill.
                          items to go are: any boots, stick, veil, mek, aghanim, blink dagger, later maybe dagon, maybe blademail, shivs guard, heart. if ur laning is easy u can go fast dagon and veil. but dont upgrade dagon till u have ur aghs, its not really worth.


                            ty 1000xpm


                              1000xpm can u tell is there effect in ranked match piont by kda can u tell me how to count ranked match


                                No it bad sry for my bad american too. U game bad no 4k for u. U game very 2k mmr. Go reed guides and practice and improove. Oke good luck to u