General Discussion

General Discussionlow priority queue is a great time

low priority queue is a great time in General Discussion
casual gamer

    how do people get salty about this, its just single draft with lower skilled and slightly angrier people


      honestly on average I think my low prio matches are more fun than my regular ones


        lol and i use low p to do retarded buils, 5 hearts on a centaur with blade mail, huskar ults me and dies asap. good times good times


          It's because if youre like 5k MMR , you get low priority and u are highest MMR on ur team cuz there aren't many 5k MMR ppl playing at the same tkme. So the enemy also needs a high MMR, so many times Ull be against 6k+ solo MMR people. Who absolutely rape you. Sometimes they're in parties. And your teammates are 3.5k MMR.

          It's diff depending on ur MMR cuz normally low priority is not a big deal.

          Obviously this is only what I can say from my own experience

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            i just run down mid every lp game


              Used to be random draft, i got io 3 games in a row


                See name


                  only been in lpq the once since it changed (only ever been in it because of flakey internet+dota addiction). found the games there much more fun. maybe it is because it is lower mmr and most people there are there because of bad internet rather than being social retards.