General Discussion

General Discussionmedallion on Void part 2

medallion on Void part 2 in General Discussion
Story Time

    So I have been building medallion on void (offlane) and achieved 60% win rate.

    But why so few other void-players build this item?

    Dotabuff statistics shows sad 37% winrate with medallion on voids, while it is a great value-for money especially when offlane void has so few gold early game: it mutliplies physical damage by 30% (good in chrono and while your teammates are hitting the same target) and provides armor and much needed mana regen. Do i miss smth about the item? Your opinions pls!

    Ця тема була відредагована

      if you offlane void you would need aura/constant farm(vlad-iron talon) , mobility(blink) , silence purge(manta) in almost every game ASAP, after that you may pick a solar crest if your support didnt get it already.

      but tbh it looks like good item , guess i will try it once or twice.

      i guess it maybe decent if other core will 100% build vlad ( i only think of lycan or the old ursa build and both are not good combo with void since the are melee).


        It's money you could be putting towards getting a necro 3 though.

        Story Time

          The Rider - medalion ofc comes after vlad and boots. I buy it when there is ganging stage because afk farming is not possible at this moment but without items like medalion the damage of void is so small, but waiting for bigger items takes too long.

          PS Suports never build medalions in my mmr bracket. :( and even if they do - they would never apply in my chrono - i do not know why they can not use it properly when we focus one target.