General Discussion

General Discussionsome advice needed

some advice needed in General Discussion
endless grinder

    -how to deal with brainded support(or some random carry its mid 2k mmr.. so yeah) autoatcking creeps

    -what to do when u r falling behind in cs as a carry (5-8 min into the game) assuming u have a braindead support or nothing at all

    -what to do in mid game if all lane is lost (both carry n support)


    doc joferlyn simp

      -hit your own creeps when they fall below 50% hp, dont even try to go for denies but if you go for it, maintaining mane equilibrium towards your side is better than some xp that may or may not cause you to lose some cs, and the enemy offlaner can just iron talon his lost xp shit anyways. also pull your own camps. no i dont mean that easy camp that's not gonna do shit ,stack the hard camp once or twice, push wave as fast you can then pull
      -braindead or no braindead supp cant be an excuse to fail in cs its your own mechanical, but if you're really struggling and your lane partner is something with high base damage like a pudge or treant, dont hesitate to get iron talon to out cs everyone and farm jungle when enemies are missing
      -carry: dont bother farming lanes if you failed all lanes enemies have an uber high advantage and if they didnt draft like idiots they will have enough sustain to dive you under t1 tower. instead get that iron talon and farm the shit outta your jungle. if enemy is constantly 5 manning and your team just cant take teamfights dont be afraid to farm the enemy jungle, bring smoke to avoid detection when you get in. always bring tp
      support: always go with team ask help when warding, if its clear you cant defend your tower and you know for certain maybe like 3-5 of enemies are pressuring, dont try to def you will most likely give enemy. instead if they're less than 5 try to take them as a whole team, you should be able win teamfights if they arent horribly ahead. dont be stingy with resources bring dust/sents 180 or so gold wont make you lose the game, bad map vision and information makes you lose games.

      endless grinder

        I see, thx for the really helpful tips. Yeah im kinda struggling in safelane cuz in most 2k mindsets are : safelane is offlane vice versa, n most of the time theres only one support its either a roamer or a babysitter so u usually get 2 offlaner team.. it feels like u r playing 3 v 1 where u r getting harrased hard by enemies n ur lane partner is auto atcking n pushing the lane further n further, leaving me really at a disadvantage. Sometimes until 10 min only 30 cs which is really2 low for a carry