General Discussion

General DiscussionSUGGEST PLEASE!

SUGGEST PLEASE! in General Discussion
fuck im outta here


    doc joferlyn simp

      go play your best and god will do the rest


        Oh god, your meepo too bad. Lmfao.

        fuck im outta here

          When you play with peenoise that's what happened

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          fuck im outta here

            @Haffy what hero you play in your calibration?


              Dont spam meepo lol. He has a lot of counters. Spamming slark would be more reliable since its well rounded hero.

              fuck im outta here

                @Lex what hero you use on your calibration?

                doc joferlyn simp

                  I played a lot of support heroes, got calibrated at 1.4k despite winning 8/10 matches while supporting in a 4 carry team. About 5 months later I'm steadily cimbing, 2.3k now i hope to reach 3k next March.

                  Play your best hero, but as Lex said keep to more well-rounded heroes like Slark or maybe Kunkka if you think you're up for it. If you are confident in your skill as a Meepo player then by all means, go spam him. Try to get the highest MMR you can, if you can play one hero proficiently at that level, your skill on other heroes will adjust to your current MMR range.

                  Fuck everyone don't play support like I did kid.

                  fuck im outta here

                    @Haffy when I play my first ranked match I start at 3.5k and I play support because of fucking carry wannabe and lose decreased by 300 fucking mmr and at the end of my calibration I landed at 2,950 fucking mmr


                      DON'T spam meepo by any mean , this hero easy to counter and gank and high situational.
                      slark (not easy-punished hero and punish hard enemies for being out-position).
                      AM( if you actually knows how to farm you will win 65-70% by just out farming the enemies).
                      drow ranger - terrorblade (both are in good position atm and provide alot of DPS and pushing power).

                      mid :
                      zeus (i mean the real thing that is actually does game-breaking damage and don't just KS but the hero it self is bad this meta).
                      mirana (despite the nerf she still has hight burst damage and good ganking/positioning skills).
                      invoker is always welcome if you are a good one.

                      offlane: void is the meta and the meta is void :) , he is one of the best if not the best offlaner atm.

                      support: shadow demon and lion are pretty popular and strong all-around supports.

                      junglers:just don't do this for god sake it is really awful vs a good line-ups.

                      l played lich/venge support and sven/lycan carry when i calibrated but that's because i like them and play them kinda of good.

                      good luck in your calibration matchs.


                        Meepo is monster to the gifted one,look at abed meepo. You cant counter that super pro micro meepo gaming.


                          so what hero in callibration? im party normal skill solo vhs