General Discussion

General DiscussionThings that Trigger you.

Things that Trigger you. in General Discussion
Vem Comigo

    What triggers you, like when you just dont want to play anymore, after something happened.

    For me is when you need to restard dota or something, and people dont pause for you even when you ask, you get out at 7 minutes, you come back at 10, like those guys just unpause soon as you are out of the game.

    I get fucking pissed at this, like wtf can you guys w8, if you waited you could have won, but now you deserve to lose.

    casual gamer

      just got an abandon for this ^ it sucks but as long as it doesn't happen too often it doesn't matter big picture-wise


        When your ally drow cliff jungles radiant ancients for 20 minutes.


          people in this forum


            retarded threads


              When dad breaks in to the room and shouts that i must stop playing


                Jungle lc


                  when your support stands behind you AFK, doesn't stack. doesn't harass, doesn't do anything, just stands behind you and thinks he is doing a great job as a support.

                  then flames you for having no farm compared to their free farming offlaner lul

                  Dire Wolf

                    When you are crushing your lane but your offlane somehow feeds even harder to a carry who comes online quicker and you proceed to lose the match in 20 mins and their offlane spams ez bot/top despite losing hard.

                    Also anyone who tries to play stupid shit in pubs. Do not experiment with your meepo/brood/arc/jungle anything that isn't a jungler/support gyro or sniper builds in my games please.

                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                      Juggernaut maxing crit over Ward.

                      Rhasta not maxing Fork.

                      Support not meeting range creep.

                      Mid/sup warding opposing mid hg during day.

                      Anyone wasting courier speed.

                      Support wasting a TP.

                      Mid not Bottling you when he TPs from base.

                      Melee carries without SS.

                      Venge not maxing Wave.

                      Dazzle wasting Grave early on (1 min CD).

                      List goes on












                          When i have put enough chlorofoam yet the kid still screamed like a horse


                            Butt celebrities still living
                            Specially ni9i minag n car-dash-ians

                            not arin

                              4ks questioning my decisions


                                wait arin aren't you 4k as well

                                not arin

                                  yes, i often question my decision as well and trigger myself

                                  not arin

                                    i mean noone has any clue what the fuck is going on so why should i have one person watching over me and telling me that everything that doesnt go with his opinion is 100% wrong

                                    shoutout to my lina who flamed me for going shadow blade with riki on team

                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                      holy shit, that lina has 700 games on mirana at 50% WR

                                      Цей коментар був відредагований
                                      PMS Mantra

                                        Juggernaut maxing crit over Ward.

                                        I threw up on my keyboard. I have not seen this done since MoM was a huge deal on him and even then it was suggested you take stats before maxing crit.

                                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                                          Any cliff jungle hero or Meka's stream


                                            people not doing anything

                                            non do shit players are so fucking annoying ot play with


                                              the fact that I cant seem to win with TA or TW


                                                hey guys, i picked void, let me sit in the offlane for 20 minutes and have my chronosphere off cd for half the game who cares lol let me mindlessly farm XD!


                                                  when allies flame the carry for not getting farm on the safelane without supporting/helping him, using him as a scapegoat for sucking

                                                  < blank >

                                                    Danny Boi


                                                      @timmyturner yeah, I had a am game where I was solo vs a timber and I want to say roaming mirana I think. I had no help at all lol, he had soul ring so he kept his mana high and I couldn't force him out. Had a sniper jungle who was a 4.8k and a mid who was a 5.2k who never ganked. Lanes were lost and I was not able to snowball lol of course they will blame safelane solo carry


                                                        being 3k


                                                          I don't get triggered


                                                            ^ i get triggered when i see that message, u wot m8 gaben u fat fuck know nothing about dota

                                                            Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                              When I realized that no one buys a courier and I'm already in the bounty rune spot.


                                                                first blood gg, ez mid, ako mid 2 tangos

                                                                the realm's delight

                                                                  retarded threads

                                                                  u made the most retarded thread on this forum


                                                                    99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 ppl in mid
                                                                    how to get vhs
                                                                    predict my mmr

                                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                      people who instalock certain core characters and just play bad.

                                                                      fishy boi

                                                                        dota gave me cancer, look at my recent matches ;/


                                                                          ^Wow..I am already pissed if I lose 2-5 games...

                                                                          1000 xpm

                                                                            am first pick


                                                                              Ppls that lose their lane and abandon cuz of it.


                                                                                ppl who wants to master 100++ heroes


                                                                                  When enemy team keep bark ez game commend us and finnaly i eipe them out...and mega they will bark his team noob la this la reasoning doto player..


                                                                                    When my teammates pick CM and said "I'll support" then let u do the carry .
                                                                                    But they just buy courier and fly courier, and doesnt buy and support anything .
                                                                                    I calmly bought the wards, sent, and smoke since he doesnt buy it .
                                                                                    After 27 min, and feels like we goint to lose, he start blaming me so "slow farm" .
                                                                                    I said "did u guys realize i bought all the support thing" ?
                                                                                    He replied "No one ask you to buy wards" .

                                                                                    U might be thinking that im a retard and a crybaby, but it trigger me so much .
                                                                                    Selling my all my items and buy lots of sentrys and wards, and start drawing with those .
                                                                                    I got reported but i got no regrets at all

                                                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                      Haha doto wtf mood cm


                                                                                        -how to get very high vhs threads and the regular "k" threads
                                                                                        -attention seeking guys on the forum who do everything for self promotion, yet act as if they are trying to help someone
                                                                                        -carry picker who only win games when they get a good support and don't even get it
                                                                                        -people who flame their teammates, spam well played when someone fucks up or "report my [insert hero of allied player]" spamming
                                                                                        -ingame non english speaking people
                                                                                        -guys who think that they are funny while insulting someone and/or cursing a lot
                                                                                        -guys who use bad english to be funny
                                                                                        -angela merkel
                                                                                        -lgbt/vegan activists

                                                                                        yeah I think that's it



                                                                                          but the whole world wants marxism bruv.


                                                                                            When someone messes up they either spam |>Well Played or |>Nice instead of realizing their mistake or they just use random letters when they make a mistake.

                                                                                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                              People who have their head clumped up with their ego and doesn't realize they're fucking trash and blames everything to their teammates
                                                                                              I'd rather play with a 100 mmr who is nice,realizes his own mistake,and actually tries to improve than an average 3k player