General Discussion

General DiscussionIs PA imbalanced? Does she need a nerf?

Is PA imbalanced? Does she need a nerf? in General Discussion

    Ever been hit by a 1 shot kill stifling dagger? Ever gotten yourself erased so quickly in a blink of an eye? Does she need a nerf? Your thoughts?

    PMS Mantra

      I don't really know why it needed a buff in the first place. 130 pure damage + 50% slow for 4 seconds on a 7 second cool down. The thing was already a great skill before it could 1 shot you.

      This is fucking terrible

        I feel the dagger definitely needs a nerf. It also adds attack modifiers to the target, which is ridiculous.

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          ./. Vavle

            This is coming from the 36th ranked PA in dotabuff? Are you serious? RNGesus no skill required hero

            Vem Comigo

              She isnt op, late game any carry can kill her, even i he is outfarmed


                PA's dagger definitely needs a nerf, perhaps change it back to it's original self, idk.


                  The dagger needs a nerf.
                  Usually i pick blademail carrier against her, so she isn't that annoying.
                  But the dagger is a nightmare for any supports or squishy heroes.

                  1800 crit? And cleave? 7 second cooldown? Rip phantom lancer.

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                    you did 4 spelling mistakes in the word "buff"


                      btw this "36th ranked pa" guy is in mid 4ks and played more than a half of his pa games in NMM.
                      ranking rework coming after ti5, right?


                        Pa shud be deleted from the game, ive been saying that since roosevelts presidency

                        ./. Vavle

                          Dotabuff can you remove this guy from top PA leaderboards pls


                            @triplesteal. 3 spelling mistakes mate :) they both end in 'f'

                            but yeah, dagger is a stupid skill that needs a nerf. if it keeps crit then it should have less range so at least pa has to be in some sort of danger whilst waiting for it to crit.


                              she's so fuckin bad. why would she need a nerf


                                I'm fine with the crit, but the 75% damage and the modifier seems a bit too much.


                                  just nerf that shifting dagger


                                    ye im dumb

                                    PMS Mantra

                                      Her dagger can do to an unsuspecting support what a level 16 Lina with Agh and Aether can.


                                        they proly change pa dagger

                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          Sure, nerf a 51% winrate hero that used to be around 48% for the last few years. The hero is sometimes annoying but so is enchantress. Does that mean you should nerf a hero to the ground because it is finally viable for at least something?


                                            shes still at 48% in normal brackets

                                            Riguma Borusu

                                              Sure, but people bitching about her are not 5k+


                                                When ever I see her shes either utterly useless all game or she snowballs like mad and solo wins the game. Kinda reminds me of huskar in that way. She needs some sort of tweak. I wouldn't necessarily call it a nerf or a buff, just a change.


                                                  She is also most picked hero in the last 3 months, cancer is real xD


                                                    I rarely see her in my games, she is just bad. Why do ppl pick her?


                                                      Pa is in ok spot right now. She always had very high pick rate due to her skillset which is very fun to play.


                                                        PA doesn't need a nerf or buff,she needs a rework
                                                        2 unreliable skills and trash design
                                                        1 Hiroshima bomb with 7 sec cooldown that CAN CRIT is stupid and you only need some extra damage or some mana sustain to destroy your opponent
                                                        The rest of her skills are trash
                                                        Gimmicky low skill cap blink
                                                        2 RNG trash
                                                        Hero skillset is just as ridiculous as the old void
                                                        One trick pony and while the trick is down you pray to RNJesus

                                                        ./. Vavle

                                                          Guys please help me report this to dotabuff site managers to get this Retard:76 out of the top PA list


                                                            @Notrious Legend why the hate dude. I didn't plan on being placed i just play my game bro wtf.


                                                              Shut up about it, PA is fine, she needs a bug fix and a tiny nerf and that's it.

                                                              The dagger is basically a ranged attack, you're complaining about it next to Sniper and Drow who's every attack is a dagger.
                                                              It's her earlygame skill, Jug has spin, Luna has Beam, Gyro has Rockets, all of which are extremely powerful early.


                                                                Increase crit chance, reduce crit dmg so that overall dps would stay the same


                                                                  N4randza ur a bit wrong
                                                                  It used to be an earlygame skill. Now it scales into the lategame just as hard. And attack modifiers shouldn't be removed, but it should be treated as ranged attack and thus lifesteal/slows/cleave/bash should work as if the attack was ranged.

                                                                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                    @N4randza, Jug's Spin, Luna's Beam,and Gyro's rockets don't have a 6 second cool-down and are DEFINITELY NOT as spammable as Pa's daggers. With a basilius and perseverance, she can harass literally 2 people out of the lane, especially early game without even losing mana. And once she hits level 6, she starts critting with those daggers. Her dagger is almost like Skywrath's Q with almost equal damage at all stages in the game. Also, it has an INSANE cast range for a skill so damaging and spammable for a melee carry.

                                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                      She needs more buff
                                                                      +10%max hp is added as magical damage to stiffling dagger


                                                                        Pa already good as it is, no need nerf unless u r 1k brain who can't deal with pa's dagger

                                                                        Livin' Real Good

                                                                          PA is a trash hero, the only reasons she's picked a lot is cause she dumpsters lower MMR players, cause they never buy MKB, they always get caught by her dagger/teleport combo cause they're way out of position alone somewhere, and a few other reasons.

                                                                          She's not a good hero, just a very, very easy hero to play, so many people pick her. There's hardly any difference from a decent PA player, and a good PA player, but there's a huge difference from a decent (lets say) Invoker player, and a good one, same with Meepo. I think she's just insanely easy to play, and cool/cute, probably why she's so popular.

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                                                                            the hero itself have so much powerful presence early game, it is just ridiculous that you can wipe an team with one dagger with some items like battle fury, daedalus etc and the mana cost, range of her dagger are just bit too op

                                                                            Livin' Real Good

                                                                              Her daggers range is OP ^ ?

                                                                              It's been the same range (1200) for AGES hasn't it? Why is it OP now?

                                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                                ^Because it scales much better with farm, most likely. But it is not as OP as it is kinda gimmicky.

                                                                                Also, there is a ton of difference between a bad and a good PA player, on one hand you have ricer farmfest PAs in 1k and on the other hand you have QO who dominates early, mid and lategame with the hero by choosing targets carefully and positioning properly with his team.

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                                                                                  I never tries it but maybe lc with blade mail and duel = dead pa when she crit herself.

                                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                                    I tried it many times, as long as you have more armor than her (used to be more HP than her before blademail buff), she'll kill herself most of the time, or the duel will end with nobody dying. LC is really strong vs PA for this reason, if played right. On the other hand, PA can burst you down if you are not tanky enough but try to duel somebody else, so PA also counters LC to an extent (if you're stupid and have no map sense).


                                                                                      if theres a pa in lane spamming dagger, just build magic wand
                                                                                      yea the dagger might need a nerf, but its not that hard to deal with


                                                                                        she's retardedly OP in the mid lane against heroes with low starting armor like shadow fiend and ember. I went jugger against her and stomped her bad, with smart use of blade fury, ward and wand. I went sf against her and got stomped by her.

                                                                                        In any case, the overall hero design is retarded and too RNG based. As stated by many ppl, she's a brain-dead hero to play and does not deserve a place in the hero roster.

                                                                                        Deleting her from the game would be a smart decision, nerf is not enough

                                                                                        Oh another thing, I once played on a 4.5k mmr account. Being 2.3k mmr on my main, u an imagine my suffering in the 5 matches I played on that account. However, the one match I played PA, beleive it or not, I actually stomped that match. And those were the safe lane battle-fury PA days

                                                                                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                          Personally i dont have any trouble with pa (my top 3 heroes are blademail carrier) i just feel useless when i see my support pals got 1-shotted from full health


                                                                                            Her variance is too high to balance really. You can tweak the mean dps up a bit and it'll tweak her win rate. Doesn't change that RNG means games can be ruined.

                                                                                            She needs a rework or replaced by the gambler.


                                                                                              I didnt know people disliked her that much tbh i personally rarely loss to PA. I dont even remember the last time i lost to PA. With the new items like bloodthorn ans silver edge countering her so well i dont think shes imbalanced at all. Omniknight absolutely owns her from the support position.


                                                                                                I have sugesstion for blur. The miss are not rng based its cooldown based from 20/15/10/4 and the ult crit has less dmg about 150%/200%/300% crit multiplier but has 3/4/5 charges instead and the charges refilled every 1 minute. every charges occurs will trigger the colldown of ult about 6/5/4... so no more RNG or Pseudo-RNG things in PA but still OP as fuck


                                                                                                  shes in a good spot cos of drow mainly


                                                                                                    People dislike her not because she's hard to play against
                                                                                                    Her skillset is a joke,very luck based,and a braindread ultra easy hero which is a disgrace to DOTA2 which is a game with very high skill cap
                                                                                                    Even sniper requires you to position well
                                                                                                    Even riki requires you to use your brain
                                                                                                    Even viper requires you to play teamwork
                                                                                                    While this little blue shit
                                                                                                    You throw daggers
                                                                                                    Your blink is a fucking click on something and go
                                                                                                    And thats it


                                                                                                      PA is probably below average

                                                                                                      I think the RNG element just makes people upset. Maybe they could change the % on Ult and give a less luck based 3rd skill to make people happier


                                                                                                        blur is already no longer truly random. it and all other sources of evasion now use prd so you don't get things like missing 20 attacks in a row