General Discussion

General DiscussionMost useless passive spell in late game

Most useless passive spell in late game in General Discussion
the Goat

    Shadow Fiend's Armor reduction spell is totally junk, i mean -6 ARMOR Gaben should change that.
    if u were Gaben what would you do to change this shit spell?


      -6 armor is 36% physical ehp reduction, that's a lot

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        Make it percentage base maybe, like you lose 15% armour


          that'd make it worse YB ^


            Crystal maiden's aura rofl


              Cm Aura is very nice in late for some heros like morphling Medusa and few more.

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                PA's evasion is worthless past 40 minutes, though in some games I've seen it be worthless past 20 minutes.

                Jacques Lacan

                  Neichus suggested a passive that allowed auto attacks to reduce magical resistance, and razes to reduce armour. Sounds far better than the current one.


                    Precision aura is shit if you have melees.


                      Precission aura isn't exactly a passive




                          That Neichus suggestion might make SF an OP hero
                          Raze right click raze right click and bam you're dead and you don't even need that much item


                            Axe's spin used to be shit in late game when it was physical damage. Also, Huskar's.

                            Father Jack from Marketing

                              I think Lunas passive is weak, especially compared to Drows....


                                Degen Aura (Omniknight) you put only one point in it at lvl 1 to trade hits with melee offlaner, or don't skill it at all, +2 to all stats is much better.

                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                  BH crit is the most useless spell in the late game. Definetely

                                  she's so lucky she's a star

                                    Rubick's passive is not overly useful as physical damage usually takes over in the later stages of the game.

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      Luna's passive gives her night vision which makes one point quite godly, and it's an aura so on a ranged team during push it's a fucking ton of dmg. The only thing that makes it a ton worse than drow aura is it's not global. Well obviously drow aura does a lot more one she hits 16 and starts getting major agility, but luna's is more early.

                                      SF's aura is amazing, the problem is his other skills are so essential it gets leveled last.

                                      I agree rubicks is underwhelming. CM's is quite good though.


                                        Most of the passives mentioned here are not bad, just a bit situational. SF's Aura is really good if he snowballs ahead of the enemy early on. They will still have low armour and his aura might even bring them to negative armour if he snowballs early enough.
                                        Luna's is weaker than Drows later on, but it provides more damage early game and it buffs melee heroes widening your draft options.
                                        Rubick's is good against nukers like Leshrac even late game and it also makes it more difficult for the enemy to nuke down a wave when you're pushing.'
                                        CM's Aura is really good when you have a team of heros with small mana pools and low spell costs. Heroes like Clock can spam rocket infinitely, PA can just keep throwing dagger and Clinkz can permanently have searing arrows turned on.

                                        yung griphook

                                          AM passive

                                          M U R D E R

                                            nah sf passive isnt that bad even though it could be better.

                                            Coffee Bean~

                                              craggy exterior... DK gets more armour from his passive + could sustain his hp in lane

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                oh I skipped the caveat late game. In that case CM's is probably the worst late game past like 40 minutes when everyone's mana pool is big enough and you have some arcane boots.

                                                Craggy exterior is awesome, idk what you are smoking. It's like having a basher against every melee who attacks you without bkb on. Have you ever tried to man fight a tiny as like troll or PA? It's stun, stun, 1 hit in, stun, dead. You just can't do it.

                                                Hanamichi Sakuragi

                                                  Greevil's Greed.


                                                    Enchantress's Untouchable isn't really good late game.


                                                      greevils greed is indeed the most useless one cz u r sitting 7 slotted with aghs on all ur teammates and 10k stash gold 50 min into the game, and dont rly need additional money gain.


                                                        its free desolator aura and stacks with deso U STUPID FUCK

                                                        dont be thrilled by this ...

                                                          true that. greevils greed. case closed!


                                                            stupid fucking idiots saying sf aura is bad lol. its the one thing along with his agi gain giving him carry status. otherwise he wud be dogshit after early-mid game


                                                              untouchable is pretty useless late.

                                                              mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                ^where did you get that s4head profile pic? What should I google for? Takes me ages to find that. And where was that photo taken, if anyone knows?


                                                                  Nightstalker passive when daytime, close thread.



                                                                    ursa's passive :)
                                                                    i tried it once in lobby and it take 20-30 hit to kill six slotted sven with 3rd skill on, but still kinda of okish for faster roshan and to burst supports.