General Discussion

General DiscussionI'm going home tomorrow, what's the first hero that I should play?

I'm going home tomorrow, what's the first hero that I should play? in General Discussion
Dr. Banana

    I've been on a holiday and as the title states I'm going home tomorrow. Over the course of my holiday I have been thinking about morphling. Should I play him after a break? I'm terrible at the hero but now i've learnt the ult escape trick. Suggestions for other heroes and tips for morphling are welcome.

    Also, do you also see PA EVERY match? This used to happen to me before I went on holiday but is the trend over now?


      Sort of over now in pubs from what i play




          go broodmother, its op in every meta right now.
          trust me, why would I lie to you...



            Dr. Banana

              At my skill bracket every hero is op if you can play it properly.

              Dr. Banana

                But you're comment sounds sketchy...


                  chen, so you can send heroes to home aswell

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