General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat determines the banner ads?

What determines the banner ads? in General Discussion
playinginursockdrawer mm soc

    No seriously though, I don't want half naked weeaboo rpgs and fucking LoL of Legends next to every part of this site.


      This site is categorised as related to games. That's why it gets those kind of ads. What is more, you probably surf gaming content, thus your profile encourages ads like those even more. For some reason whenever I go on private browsing/phone I get those scam "become ripped in a week" and such ads. It's not db that puts up these ads, db just puts up the code that downloads ads from a remote server. Usually the one which wins the bid.


        What ads Keepo

        playinginursockdrawer mm soc

          Makes more sense, thanks.


            what ads are you talking about?

            doc joferlyn simp

              only ad i see is
              "give neglected and abused children a voice. yours."