General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed advice for grinding to 5k

Need advice for grinding to 5k in General Discussion
suck dick for pma

    as title shows, I want to climb up to 5k mmr. I quit dota back in 2014 after ti4, and I have recently began playing again. My mmr on my old account want around 3.7k, but I lost my main account so I have to make a new one. In my unranked games I see some 4k players and some 5k, and some 3k. So I think im somewhere around low 4k tier. Do any of you have some tips or advice to give about climbing to 5k?

    Ця тема була відредагована

      ok then if you're 4k

      liten to me very carefully, this will get you to 5k:

      get +1000 mmr

      it works every time

      Цей коментар був відредагований
      casual gamer

        holy shit

        suck dick for pma


          suck dick for pma

            just wanted some advice to learn from better players


              what did you expect seriously?

              you think the knowledge that gives a player +1k mmr can be actually written in a forum post?


                I would suggest watching siractionslacks. He just got 5k. A couple of tricks:

                Do nothing in lane except steal exp.
                Pull two or three times in the early game, don't stack or pull through, try to miss most of the creeps.
                Click the portrait to place sentries. Don't bother buying wards, its a waste of 75 gold if nobody dies because you placed it.
                Run to mid lane and get nothing done except to steal a creep and then go farm the medium camp nearby.
                Play Omniknight and then press q, w, and r and enjoy being carried.



                  waste of 75 gold

                  Those bourgeois... They don't even know the cost of wards... *spits*


                    Gitgud mechanically.
                    Don't just "gitgud". You have to GID FUKIN GUD.
                    Then gitgud not giving free kills for no reason. Literally every 4k throws 90% or more games when they're ahead.
                    Think more objectively, let's say your farm vs opponent's farm and fast forward the game by 10 minutes in your mind if you keep doing what you're doing and your opponents keep doing what they're doing. If you think you're not going to be ahead/farming more = change things. I have never seen a 4k say something like: let's do sth enemy is farming more than us. Or vice versa: let's keep farming the enemy is getting less farm than us.
                    Usually it's throwfest/feedfest on one or the other side. And usually people can't hit their skills right. And I still see people unable to level their skills/buy items properly. Before playing a hero you must know at least a decent build and only after that invent your own variations.


                      honestly the easiest way to win is to mute everoyne and play the game how you want ot play it. i never game ruin if i have everyone muetd but if people start flaming adn shit i get real antsy. idk if thats for everyone but whenever i queue eu i just mute everyone and i win 70-80% of my games


                        It's true, Kitrak can tilt like the best of them:

                        "where is void
                        Ogre Magi Ogre Magi: he raged
                        Ogre Magi Ogre Magi: 'Im done with this account' he said
                        Ogre Magi Ogre Magi: then called purple a n**** and left"


                          Don't post that shit


                            Just enjoy the game, if you improve your mmr will follow.