General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen to play agressively / passively

When to play agressively / passively in General Discussion

    I got this problem, i dont actually understand when to play passively/agressively in my lane.

    My main problem is in the laning stage or later on and about how far i can go for harrassing/ kill potential.
    Most of the time i do harrass enough but i dont actually kill the guy. I win my lane most of the times but I'm not getting enough kills as heroes like tinker/ta who have high kill potential in the game.
    If u can help me understand how to approach the aggressive yet safe enough playstyle, please do tnx


      it really depends on hero lineup honestly.


        thats something u need to feel youself,thas the point when u become far better player than your mmr


          Just know your heroe's limitations and potential

          Player 56068415

            Watch pro live games on this heroes.
            Even in pub. Especially in pub (cuz you're playing pubs not cw aren't you?)


              As a rough rule: if your lineup scales better, play defensively. If their lineup scales better, play aggressively. Obviously this is really over-simplified but this general rule of thumb will help most situations.


                you never play passively NEVER

                you mixed up the terms,

                aggressive vs. defensive


                passive vs. active

                you always play active, never passive.


                  I know i should get the hang of it
                  tnx 4 the guidance anyways

                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                    when your team is passive you paly passive
                    when your team is aggressive you do aggresive stuff (from view point of team of 4 + 1 carry=u)

                    when lanes are pushed, do aggresive stuff like plant aggresive wards, smoke or push towers
                    when lanes arent pushed camp your cores who are pushing out the waves


                      @cookies ye i meant defensively ... i guess


                        @4ks i have the problem in lane mostly like in mid, sometimes i overcommit (even not as much as tower diving) and i dont even fuck with creep equilibrium or anything but i just dont feel like im doing enough and then i die
                        Mostly my problem is overcommiting when playing aggressively

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          if u overcommit then u either don't know your hero's limits or are playing with your brain off


                            its actually a similar concept in mid, if your offlaner is applying fuck tons of pressure then u can play super ballsy and not be afraid of rotations
                            kills is quite overated actually, if you play slow and steadily outlaning and starving the guy while getting some easy harass here and there sometimes he'll just be pressured into making a mistake/desperate overcommiting for a creep and you get a kill opportunity
                            checking for supports mana status is also good too
                            if you are talking about how much you can press the enemy mid /whether you can kill at a certain hp /level then im afraid no one can help you, just need to get a good experience of more mtchups i guess


                              Kk tnx