General Discussion

General DiscussionCK with deso?

CK with deso? in General Discussion
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    What do you think about building chaos knight PA style? Something like: magic wand -> threads -> vlad's -> deso. Vlads + stick give great mana for doing magic as well as great teamfight presence. Then with deso you will lower enemy's armor by 12 points. This will burst down almost every hero. Also this requires just 8k networth, so it should be very effective.
    I know that im just 3k scrub who havent even tried this in game, but i just want to know your opinion before ruining some games.


      As ck you usually have enough damage and you proply most times getting items which give you stats as SaY/Manta etc....but actually sounds good to me, never seen that before definitely will try with my favourite combo ck+io proply after stats item

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        Potato Marshal

          You're an illusion hero with full damage illusions. It's a huge waste to build non-strength items on him.

          Riguma Borusu

            You are likely to have a good deso carrier on your team, why build it on a shitty one? On the other hand, it is okay to carry around a casual blight stone, but only if your build permits it (aka you don't happen to have slot problems at that stage in the game).

            Besides, an armlet that costs much less than deso actually provides way more damage than a desolator if you're using the ultimate, and it provides a ton of other stuff as well.

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            M U R D E R

              AC is better because it also buffs illusion AS (of which they naturally lack due to being STR illusions)

              I like Treads-Blightstone-Armlet-Sange-Echo Sabre-Heart

              Also, you can go Sange/Yasha AND Sange if you really want to use Sange/Yasha.

              Drums should be good.

              Also can HOTD if you want satanic lategame and can dominate the wolf effectively, but vlads seems fine (but someone else will probably have it, just like Deso).

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                  deso is actually a pretty good item on CK if you're doing well in lanes.

                  my preferred build will still be treads(BOTS) - armlet (change to heart late game) - manta - sny - ac - deso/mkb/bkb

                  M U R D E R

                    whats the mindset behind manta sny again?

                    Massive Dynamic

                      The mindset behind Manta and SnY is the stats. Illusion heroes are extremely greedy for stats and both items give you a lot of stats. Also, more illusions means more damage when you use reality rift and a greater chance for proccing his crit with the armor reduction. Sange and Yasha is great for the move speed buff so anyone without blink can't outrun you when you are trying to rift/stun them. Finally, Manta can be used to dispel silence and helps to solve CK's mana problems.

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                      M U R D E R

                        wouldnt manta halberd be better though?

                        Massive Dynamic

                          Well that depends. If there is a hero that you really need to disarm, Heaven's Halberd is great. But the thing is, CK is a strength carry, which means he needs to build attack speed because he innately lacks it. Manta and Sange and Yasha gives you more attack speed than Manta and Halberd. For this reason and the movespeed bonus, SnY is more core in the hero than Halberd, Halberd is more situational.

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                          PMS Mantra

                            Manta is one of only 2 items that go core on CK that give precious INT stat. If you never plan to split SnY for Manta and HH, then you might really need to consider Drum for the 9 INT stat that it gives as replacement.

                            M U R D E R

                              Manta and SNY MS buffs clash, just go drums manta(only if need dispel imo) HH/Sange and not sny if you buy manta........

                              Massive Dynamic

                                Oh yeah I forgot that the ms buffs don't stack. The added agility and as from the Sange and Yasha is still better than the evasion or active from HH in most cases though. What is your reasoning for building HH so often?

                                M U R D E R

                                  I don't say build HH often, But might as well keep it a Sange (as it is the most cost-efficient STR item). And I think some str, evasion and active is better than 16 attack speed and 2-3 armour for your illusions.

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                                    lol no one makes both manta and s&y together.

                                    i think one shud go bracer->wand->treads->armlet/echo-sabre->HotD (if u go armlet or if u want to dominate something)->manta/s&y->heart->AC(heart AC in reverse order if u want more armor first or ur pushing)->Satanic (if u made HotD earlier) ->BoTs and Skadi (or MKB if u need counter evasion)


                                      Lol wasn't there a time when people used to build Battlefury on CK?


                                        Also, never make two Yasha items on any hero. You can either build SnY or a Manta, as the situation demands it. I personally prefer Manta on any illusion hero I play (PL, Terrorblade and Chaos Knight, etc.), but SnY isn't bad when you're facing that pesky Earthshaker who wrecks your whole team because of your many illusions. Then again, that situation to have to build SnY should never arise, because you preferably want to last pick all the above-mentioned heroes.


                                          Get medallion


                                            Ask a support to get Medallion, good enough

                                            Saaya  Irie

                                              never do it unless the game is surely in your favor till late game. just dont do it. (i kinda tried it when an enemy is feeding and we will surely win) Pair it with echo sabre :DD


                                                If you build echo sabre, will the illusions also attack 2-times ?


                                                  no. Sabre on ck is to slow the enemy after been rifted


                                                    Ahh, i see.

                                                    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                      Year ago, I'm actually building deso for CK.


                                                      Its strong, any hero with deso is good. Tower go down in seconds with his Phantasm. But, like many player said here, CK need to item that benefit his illusion.

                                                      His ulti is incredibly powerful when your illusion can withstand damage.

                                                      Deso is good for pushing. But for winning a teamfight, go for armlet then heart.


                                                        anything can work


                                                          it would increase his dps, but the problem is; he already has an insane amount of dps, with just his spells + armlet he can obliterate almost any hero who has eaqual or less farm(if ck initates and gets a good stun)

                                                          but his problem is aoe and tankyness which would allow him to do so.

                                                          so ac is way better

                                                          Vic Romano

                                                            Firstly I though you said CM and not CK... Anyways CK is already able to blow up damn near anyone he wants with a decent stun and pull, the problem is that he farms like shit so if he gets outfarmed (hint: he will eventually) the illusions become easier and easier to deal with. The way I see it, it's best to build stiff that'll help you and your illusions not die, but can also bring a bit more damage like what Cookie said

                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              Echo sabre also has decent stats and mana regen, two things CK needs besides just the slow.

                                                              I think people constantly underestimate the maim proc on s&y. Yes CK 1 and 2 shots people and has rift, but he's still melee and chasing people around sometimes. If your team lacks slows the maim proc will really help you stick to targets.

                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                do illusions crit with bloodthorn active?

                                                                if yes wouldnt it be a great item to have in late game to upgrade your deso instead of throwing it away?


                                                                  for fucks sake with these scrubs wanting to buy bloothorn and deso on ck

                                                                  yes both work, but ck doesn't need them

                                                                  it's like buying a bfury on godamn clockwerk, would be nice that he gets that extra farming speed he lacks

                                                                  BUT THE HERO ISN'T AN AFK FARMER, HE DOESNT NEED THE FARMING SPEED

                                                                  same with ck, hero has high dps. you don't need more direct pure dps

                                                                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                    Illusions doesn't benefit from the extra damage,only the minus armor
                                                                    A blight stone does relatively the same thing for the illusions for way less cost

                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      Probably better off going attack speed to get his debuff off crit to proc