General Discussion

General DiscussionSf buff idea

Sf buff idea in General Discussion

    Presence of the dark lord now affects buildings.




        I thought of that once, with that SF would be back in meta but somewhat OP pusher :D

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        Mr God

          He's already OP when it comes to pushing, that'd be too much. With an Desolator he's just insanly hitting towers.

          He needs armor/HP, not that.

          M U R D E R

            Waw thinking of suggesting that too

            casual gamer

              raze do pure damage @_@


                Pure damage razes oh yess
                Or increased raze damage would be cool
                SF is too reliant on his early game now,if he does shit in the laning phase it would be so hard to get back in the game (fucking potato tomato camps)


                  reduce raze mana cost ^_^

                  Dire Wolf

                    Ult is instant cast and can be used while stunned. Now u Rush aghs and have very tanky sf

                    Yung Beethoven

                      i think some movement speed may bring him back, as he lacks escapes. giving him 50 more starting hp wouldnt hurt either


                        I'd rather see him buffed but still has a high skillcap
                        Adding more HP to him means higher chance of retards getting away with their sloppy mistakes
                        Raze buff is the best way to keep this hero a high skill ceiling one
                        Movement speed buff is ok
                        Ulti long delay is fine imo considering how scary it is up to min 45 of the game

                        Livin' Real Good

                          If it worked on buildings he'd probably be broken, imagine in this drow meta too.

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                            just giv him at least 2 starting armor ffs he's an agility hero. He starts with 0.8 starting armor at 20 starting base agility WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THAT

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                            Livin' Real Good

                              He got that 1 armor nerf a few patches ago, 2 starting armor would be a pretty dope buff for him, not to mention tier 1 towers give aura 1 armor, would make him at least not as easy to gank with the 3 armor if he's running toward his tower, basically a buff to his early game. But of course that's all theory dota, I don't know what this hero needs, or claim to know.

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                                Lower magic resistance on neutral creeps is the buff he should get



                                  dude he dies in nanoseconds atm if u gank him, and if u don't gank him, mid pa can just dagger him till he fkn dies.

                                  give sf armor. MakeSFGreatAgain

                                  Positive Player

                                    +1 armor

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      Imagine if aura worked on buildings, drow sf troll going ranged from Luna and venge lawl

                                      Potato Marshal

                                        Turn raze and requiem damage to physical and give a small boost to their damages. That way it'll synergize better with his aura.