General Discussion

General Discussionshould i always make the ranged creep go first during the first wave?

should i always make the ranged creep go first during the first wave? in General Discussion

    especially when im a solo offlane or mid, it's just that sometimes i feel like this is useless since you can just aggro creeps toward your ranged creep in the back which makes it easier for you to deny it and harder for the enemy to get it. the only thing i see this being useful for is that it pushes my wave faster i guess?

    so why should i do this?


      It guarantees you exp as an offlaner, definitely always try to do this


        how does this guarantee exp to me? it's my ranged creep thats being killed faster not theirs

        unless you mean that since i blocked it so that the ranged creep can go first, my wave would push faster, since my ranged creep's dead during the first few seconds of laning while their's still full hp?

        but then like i said, i can always just creep aggro towards me...


          Im sure it a must for offlaner. For mid mb if ur matchup is a lost from lvl 1 and you sure u can get more from lasthitting under tower


            Yah, thats what i meant, block your creeps, let the range go first. Guarantees exp and wave pushes towards you. And yeah you can always aggro the creeps toward you, but I would rather not take harass from the enemy supports


              only in offlane


                U need to get close to the wave to creep aggro which in some cases result you in dead as solo offlane . Although this trick is easily countered by enemy standing infront of your wave


                  Don't do it in mid, do it as solo offlane or safelane to counter the enemy offlaner doing it to you.


                    so always do it in offlane for the safety and only when im in a losing matchup in mid?

                    got it


                      oh never do it in mid kek


                        the reason is simple, range creep has way less hp than a melee creep, and it has no starting armor.

                        so it dies the fastest, what ends up happening is that it dies and there's no way for the enemy to kill it's range creep, so they have 4 creeps and you only have 3.

                        which makes the wave push towards you, aka free level 2-3 and enemy can't contest you under tower

                        and if they're stupid(low mmr) they don't pull and fix it, it makes the wave constantly be under your tower and you have freefarm in the offlane.

                        this is the safest method to get farm in the offlane, because some lanes can just camp you from the wave and you cant use aggro tricks nor get to exp

                        Цей коментар був відредагований
                        casual gamer

                          doing it in the offlane wins u exp without costing hundreds of hp or death so yeah

                          even when they pull to reset lane I will just kill large camp at :00 and block again the :30 wave and the lane wil go back to under my tower