General Discussion

General DiscussionOgre Magi SUPPORT NO MORE

Ogre Magi SUPPORT NO MORE in General Discussion
Nervous Bakedown

    alright calm your tits there is a tldr at the bottom.

    i haven't really tested this and i have not researched this at all so this could exist, but to my knowledge it doesn't. I was fucking around in the demo hero section of dota for about an hour and a half because i love to dick around in there. However while i was in there i thought that ogre may be a pretty good pusher with a battle fury, his E and his W. I thought this would have been just a bit of a pocket strat that wouldn't work at all because thats how these usually turn out.
    Anyways i hop into a bot match and go mid with a null and tangoes. Obviously my lanning stage was pretty easy because of Ogre's incredibly high armor and base damage on top of the null damage. I went bottle, treads (so i could have a bit more attack speed and more bloodlusts and ignites), and quelling blade and went to work in the jungle until i manged to get a 17 minute battle fury. (I think if you were to go blight stone or something your timing would be way better) after that i got a blink dagger (20 minutes) which i think was probably a waste unless there are a lot of squishy pushing supports. I then got a late 30 minute orchid (I think due to getting blink dagger instead of a survivability item) then my last core item was an eye of skadi to give me a bit more health which i got about 8 minutes later.
    Now i don't think this is going to be a "new meta" sort of a deal, but i fell as if it may fit teams that aren't very greedy as the build is pretty greedy itself. Also ill have you know that i have terrible skill at dota, however i am a pretty damn good theory crafter if i do say so myself.
    I think ogre could fill the shoes of something like a storm spirit who kinda just roams all over the place killing heroes off who are out of position with little draw backs. Unlike storm however, his main output of damage would be his right click. so i think its safe to say things that lock him down alot are going to be his greatest weakness as well as tanky cores that can deal alot of damage the longer the hero is right clicking it (BB, Axe, etc)
    squishy heroes that don't have super reliable lock down (Sniper WD (In some cases) BH, AA etc)
    I fell like this may be the kicker as to why this is an ok thing to do. I think that this hero could fit any team you put it on for the most part. It fills the role of a battlefury farmer with a stun (which not alot of heroes could boast), it has a slow, and it can support your team. However i think the most viable heroes it fits with are heroes that can also get value out of bloodlust without needing the jungle too much. (Drow, SD (i think ogre illusions would be really good) huskar, morphling, etc)
    I think just heroes that are very reliant on the jungle because most of the early-mid to mid game you are going to be farming your jungle passively and popping out to push out a lane or get a free kill or something. (Sven, Dusa, Pa (Bf build), and jugg.)

    basically all you have to do my friends with only a small amount of time is to read the second paragraph and maybe the little parts that have capitalized subtitles. Go ahead and start at "anyways I hop" you can CTRL F it if you need.

    Feel free to flame the build if you think it sucks, but i would appreciate constructive criticism. If there is something you feel im leaving out or any spelling/ grammar mistakes you find comment and ill probably check this between dota games to fix all that shit

    Ця тема була відредагована

      pls, just delete this thread.




          3digit kappa

          Nervous Bakedown

            Alright just won a pretty shit game. I basically ratted for most of the game once i got my bf and only fought when i felt like we were being pressured alot. I neglected all the criteria i laid out for myself and used the hero with very farm dependent heroes and the opposition 5 manned the whole game etc. It was fun however because my team had an ursa and he tanked tons of damage at our base while i was wailing on their base. went bf, deso, orchid. had a pretty shit gpm because of lack of mobility and they had tons of lock down.

            Nervous Bakedown

              One last comment, I'm pretty done with this strat because the hero mechanics themselves aren't really fun, but the hero can really do some things really well and he can have a pretty damn diverse item pool. I think the huge problem with the hero is that he is an int hero and can't really stack well with agi items so increasing his damage and attack speed is impossible, but if you are looking for a hero that can farm pretty damn fast, is tanky early game, and has pretty good spell damage ogre is a pretty good bet. (You also have to restrict this to unranked only or you will spread the worst kind of aids. especially if you win lol)

              2k indog monkey

                Same reason why alot of supports can carry if the draft has no dedicated carry


                  my eyes are bleeding


                    what's really funny is actually you can play a sup as a carry in normal skilled games if ur skilled enough so i don't see why ur making such a big fuss about this lol

                    casual gamer


                      it works at ur skill level. I have highest net worth by far for most of the game as jungle ogre rushing hotd. intentionally threw because didn't want to raise unranked mmr (see-low td)