General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is windranger not popular with drow pick?

Why is windranger not popular with drow pick? in General Discussion


    I have been busy working whole summer and now Ifound sone time to look at doto and I'm surprised, that I don't see more WR, venge when drow became stable pick.

    Even at TI, i would expect more heroes that combo with precision aura the most.

    Can you please explain?

    Thanks in advance,


    stupid fuck 2000

      cause wr just aint a good hero


        because she is Obsolete.


          Wh n I see an ally about to pick drow I like to pick venge to pair with her . Prefer using venge as a position 4 [she hits super hard with drow aura plus your own } but atleast half the time end up as position 5. Think I got 100% win rate with position 4 team like this .


            Venge got nerf to her skill usage (rip mana kind of thing)
            While WR got nerfed too after 6.86 due to her popularity

            M U R D E R

              well at least in normal skill this combo strategy works very well. every time i play with windranger as drow, she goes beyond godlike


                When 1 squishy dps isn't enough you get 2.
                Venge is a better pair in that sense. You get aura, stun (albeit a simple one) and swap.


                  It is a good combo, but it is ruined by having to play WR.

                  Цей коментар був відредагований
                  Dire Wolf

                    I like viper + drow combo, viper hits like a truck with drow aura + nethertoxin.


                      Funny, I thought I would see Viper/WR mid almost every game, maybe even Dragon knight... and everyone is picking Mirana, Puck and OD...
                      @Dire they also have similar timings, so I guess it's all in?

                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                        cause OD drow omni is OP

                        Dire Wolf

                          Well WR is just not popular/bad right now, not exactly sure why, and viper is super boring and also kind of bad right now. He counters melee heroes really well by kiting them but ursa, naix etc not the most popular and sven kinda ignores viper. Viper has a tendency to fall off late as well. I really don't pick viper anymore except when I see a drow, and then I like to go offlane usually if it's vs melee. You'll hit for like 120 dmg with drow aura + nethertoxin + poison spit at level 4 or so, really easy to pressure anyone out of lane.

                          Dragon knight mid is fine except pubs expect you to gank a lot, farm a lot mid, get a lot of kills and that's not what DK does. He pushes that t1, stays in lane with dragon blood, is ok ganker but not great, is a terrible farmer outside of lane. His a good pusher.